Measure |
居家隔離 Home Isolation |
居家檢疫 Home Quarantine |
自主健康管理 Self-health management |
負責單位 Responsible Authority |
地方衛生主管機關 Local Health Authority |
地方政府民政局/里長或里幹事 Bureau of Civil Affairs of Local government/ Village Chief or Village Clerk |
衛生主管機關 Health Authority |
方式 Method |
居家隔離14天 Home Isolation for 14 days 主動監測1天2次 Active health surveillance twice per day |
居家檢疫14天 Home Quarantine for 14 Days 主動監測1天1次 Active health surveillance once per day |
自主健康管理14天 Self-health management for 14 days |
配合事項 Coordinate Matters |
●衛生主管機關開立「居家隔離通知書」。 Health Authority issues “Home (Self) isolation notice for contacts of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) confirmed cases” ●衛生主管機關每日追蹤2次健康狀況。 Health Authority tracks the health condition twice per day. ●隔離期間留在家中(或指定地點)不外出,亦不得出境或出國, During the period of home isolation, please stay at home (or designated location). It is forbidden to leave the country, go abroad or take public transportation. ●有症狀者由衛生主管機關安排就醫。 The individual who develops symptoms will be referred to the designated medical facilities by the Health Authority. ●如未配合中央流行疫情指揮防治措施,將依傳染病防治法裁罰, Those who fail to comply with central epidemic command and control measures will be fined according to the Communicable Disease Control Act and may be proceeded with compulsory placement when necessary. |
●主管機關開立「旅客入境健康聲明暨居家檢疫通知書」, Authorities issue “Novel Coronavirus Health Declaration and Home Quarantine Notice”. Individuals should wear a surgical mask when returning home for Home Quarantine. ●里長或里幹事進行健康關懷14天, Village leader or Village Officer contact daily for the health condition and fill the “Record for Health Care Condition” for 14 days. ●檢疫期間留在家中(或指定地點)不外出,亦不得出境或出國, During the period of home quarantine, please stay at home (or designated location). It is forbidden to leave the country, go abroad or take public transportation. ●有症狀者將送指定醫療機構採驗送檢, The individuals with symptoms will be referred to the designated medical facilities for collecting samples for lab tests. Health Authority will implement active health surveillance. ●如未配合中央流行疫情指揮中心防治措施, Those who fail to comply with central epidemic command and control measures will be fined according to the Communicable Disease Control Act and may be proceeded with compulsory placement when necessary. |
●自主健康管理期間應盡量避免外出,如需外出應全程配戴外科口 During the period of Self-Management, people should avoid going out. If going out is necessary, they should wear a surgical mask; implement respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette and check body temperature in the morning and evening every day; if symptoms occur, please call the toll-free Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline, 1922 and seek medical attention as instructed. |
法令依據 Legal Basis |
傳染病防治法第48條 Articles 48 of Communicable Disease Control Act |
傳染病防治法第58條 Articles 58 of Communicable Disease Control Act |
傳染病防治法第36條 Articles 36 of Communicable Disease Control Act |