【轉知】歐盟計畫資訊-H2020 Newsletter from NCP Taiwan 20160302

2016年第05 【歐盟展望 2020】近期訊息公告 20160302
New Projects: 為目前H2020進行中的新計畫,提供國內相關領域研究社群從中參與加入的機會

Research collaboration key to communicating importance of oceans




New project to propose new organization models in elderly care




News: H2020計畫成果展現

Will diamonds slow down global warming?





[消息]科技部公佈2016年度歐盟Horizon 2020先期規劃計畫補助申請時程:


[消息]科技部公開徵求歐盟水資源於農林及淡水產養殖業之永續管理計畫 -WaterWorks2015。詳情請洽科技部官網Pre-Proposal計畫截止日:2016419日。NEW!!
[活動]第六屆歐洲運輸研究研討會6th European Transport Research Conference)將在2016418-21波蘭華沙Warsaw, Poland)舉行,歡迎有興趣之專家學者踴躍參加。TRA官網
[活動] Adaptation Futures 2016為氣候改變弱點、影響與適應全球計畫雙年會(Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impact and Adaptation, PROVIA)將在2016510-13荷蘭鹿特丹Rotterdam, the Netherlands)舉行,歡迎有興趣之專家學者踴躍參加。Adaptation Futures 2016官網
[活動] 歐盟中小企業執行局(Executive Agency for SMEs)將在2016613-17比利時布魯塞爾Brussels, Belgium)舉辦歐洲最大的能源效能與永續能源的會議 Sustainable Energy Week,歡迎有興趣之專家學者踴躍參加。EU Sustainable Energy Week官網NEW!!
[活動]第六屆奈米科技與有機電子國際展覽會6th International Exhibition on Nanotechnologies and Organic Electronics, NANOTECHNOLOGY EXPO 2016)將在201674-8日於希臘塞薩洛尼基Thessaloniki, Greece)舉行,歡迎有興趣之專家學者踴躍參加。Nanotechnology Expo官網
[活動]2016年度Living Machines研討會將在2016718-22日於英國蘇格蘭愛丁堡Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)舉行,歡迎有興趣之專家學者踴躍參加。Living Machines 2016官網
Do You Speak EU?


在眾多的歐盟研討會、會議或參訪中,歐洲人口中常會出現DG-RTDDG-CONNECT等許多DG開頭的專有名詞。其實所謂的DG,就是Directorate-General,也就是總署,是歐盟委員會(European Commission)之下的各個部門,等同臺灣政府中的各部會。

Open Calls:近期計畫徵求(僅含部分可獲科技部或歐盟補助之項目;其它詳情請至以下聯結)

第一支柱:卓越科學 (Excellent Science)

已開始接受申請之研究邀請或議題(Call or Topic)

  1. FET Proactive: Emerging themes and communities (FETPROACT-01-2016)
    Deadline: 12/04/2016
  2. Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (MSCA-RISE-2016) *
    Deadline: 28/04/2016
  3. FET-Open Research and Innovation Actions (FETOPEN-01-2016-2017)
    Cut-off Dates: 11/05/2016; 17/01/2017; 27/09/2017
  4. Call for Proposals for ERC Proof of Concept Grant (ERC-2016-PoC) *
    Cut-off Dates: 26/05/2016; 04/10/2016

尚未開始接受申請之研究邀請或議題(Call or Topic)

  1. Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF-2016) *
    Opening on: 12/04/2016  Deadline: 14/09/2016
  2. FET Proactive: Co-design of HPC Systems and applications (FETHPC-01-2016)
    Opening on: 14/04/2016  Deadline: 27/09/2016
  3. Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (MSCA-RISE-2017) *
    Opening on: 01/12/2016  Deadline: 05/04/2017
  4. Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF-2017) *
    Opening on: 11/04/2017  Deadline: 14/09/2017
  5. FET Proactive: Transition to Exascale Computing (FETHPC-02-2017)
    Opening on: 12/04/2017  Deadline: 26/09/2017

* 科技部不補助,但可獲歐盟補助。

第二支柱:產業領導力 (Industrial Leadership)


  1. Information and Communication Technologies Calls (H2020-ICT-2016-2017)
    Opened Topic Deadline: 12/04/2016
    Forthcoming Topic Opening on: 10/05/2016 or 08/12/2016

* 科技部政策僅開放第二支柱中的 ICT CALL中的Future Internet (ICT713號議題) Robotics (ICT2528號議題) 兩個議題領域申請補助。對第二支柱其它研究邀請或議題有興趣者將須以個案向科技部申請補助。

第三支柱:社會挑戰 (Societal Challenges)


  1. Greening the Economy (H2020-SC5-2016-2017)
    Opened Topic Deadlines: 07/03/2016, 08/03/2016
    Forthcoming Topic Opening on: 14/04/2016, 08/11/2016
  2. Smart and Sustainable Cities (H2020-SCC-2016-2017)
    Opened Topic Deadlines: 08/03/2016, 05/04/2016
  3. Fast Track to Innovation Pilot (H2020-FTIPILOT-2016)Cut-Off Dates: 15/03/2016, 01/06/2016, 25/10/2016
  4. SESAR Joint Undertaking Wave 1 (H2020-SESAR-2015-2)
    Deadline: 16/03/2016
  5. H2020-JTI-IMI2-2016-08-SINGLE-STAGE (H2020-JTI-IMI2-2015-08-SINGLE-STAGE)
    Cut-Off Dates: 16/03/2016, 15/09/2016, 16/03/2017, 14/09/2017, 15/03/2018
  6. Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking Call for Proposal 2015 (H2020-S2RJU-2015-01)Deadline: 17/03/2016
  7. Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking Call for Proposal 2016 (H2020-S2RJU-2016-01)Deadline: 17/03/2016
  8. Competitive Low-Carbon Energy (H2020-LCE-2016-2017)
    Opened Topic Deadlines: 05/04/2016
    Forthcoming Topic Opening on: 14/04/2016, 11/05/2016, 20/09/2016, 11/05/2017
  9. Digital Security Focus Area (H2020-DS-2016-2017)Opened Topic Deadlines: 12/04/2016
    Forthcoming Topic Opening on: 15/03/2016, 08/12/2016, 01/03/2017
  10. Personlised Medicine (H2020-SC1-2016-2017)Opened Topic Deadlines: 12/04/2016, 13/04/2016
    Forthcoming Topic Opening on: 29/07/2016, 20/09/2016, 08/11/2016
  11. Co-Creation for Growth and Inclusion (H2020-SC6-CO-CREATION-2016-2017)
    Opened Topic Deadline: 24/05/2016
    Forthcoming Topic Opening on: 04/10/2016


  1. Critical Infrastructure Protection (H2020-CIP-2016-2017)Opening on: 15/03/2016
  2. Security (H2020-SEC-2016-2017)Opening on: 15/03/2016, 01/03/2017
  3. Energy Efficiency Call 2016-2017 (H2020-EE-2016-2017)
    Opening on: 15/03/2016, 15/06/2016, 19/01/2017
  4. Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and Resource-Efficient Value Chains (H2020-SFS-2016-2017)
    Opening on: 15/03/2016, 04/10/2016
  5. 2016-2017 Automated Road Transport (H2020-ART-2016-2017)
    Opening on: 20/09/2016
  6. 2016-2017 Mobility for Growth (H2020-MG-2016-2017)
    Opening on: 20/09/2016
  7. 2016-2017 Green Vehicles (H2020-GV-2016-2017)
    Opening on: 04/10/2016
  8. Engaging Together Globally (H2020-SC6-ENG-GLOBALLY-2016-2017)Opening on: 04/10/2016
  9. Reversing Inequalities and Promoting Faireness (H2020-SC6-REV-INEQUAL-2016-2017)Opening on: 04/10/2016
  10. Understanding Europe – Promoting the European Public and Cultural Space (H2020-SC6-CULT-COOP-2016-2017)
    Opening on: 04/10/2016
  11. Rural Renaissance – Fostering Innovation and Business Opportunities (H2020-RUR-2016-2017)
    Opening on: 04/10/2016
  12. Blue Growth – Demonstrating an Ocean of Opportunities (H2020-BG-2016-2017)
    Opening on: 04/10/2016
  13. Bio-based Innovation for Sustainable Goods and Services – Supporting the Development of a European Bioeconomy (H2020-BB-2016-2017)
    Opening on: 04/10/2016
國研院H2020計畫辦公室網頁 (www.ncp.tw)
臉書專屬網頁 (https://www.facebook.com/H2020.NCP.TW?ref=ts& fref=ts)

劉彥蘭 YenLan Liu Ph.D. Project Manager
International Affairs Office (Horizon 2020 Project)
National Applied Research Laboratories

E-mail: //mail.narlabs.org.tw/cgi-bin/genMail?adr=ylliu@narlabs.org.tw&;" target="_blank">ylliu@narlabs.org.tw

Tel: +886-2-6630-0672

Fax: +886-2-6630-0600





國際長  鄭丞傑 教授

組長    陳贊如 副教授

承辦人  許歆宜 敬上

分機    2383*32



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