TEEP – Taiwan Experience Education Programs

About TEEP

In 2015, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education launched the Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP) to encourage more international students to participate in short-term professional internship projects organized by Taiwanese universities and colleges. TEEP also allows international students to gain an in-depth educational experience in Taiwan, while also preparing themselves for the Asian job market.

An increasing number of outstanding universities and colleges in Taiwan now offer TEEP@AsiaPlus - short-term professional and research internship programs for 500+ per year outstanding international youths to experience Taiwan’s quality higher education and make personal connections in the Asian job market.

TEEP programs are also available in emerging fields such as Information Communication Technology (ICT), Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain Technology, Semiconductors, 5G Wireless Communications, Advanced Manufacturing, Smart Manufacturing, Robotics, Green Energy, Biosensors, Logistics Management, Molecular Biology and Smart Health Care, as well as Mandarin Language Training or Cultural Experience Courses.


For more information about TEEP in KMU, visit  website at https://teep.studyintaiwan.org/search/Kaohsiung%20Medical%20University

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