Informed date: Jun. 5th ,2020.
Informed serial number:109099
The topic of the 2020 SMART 2.0 Challenge has been chosen to address the education obstacles resulting from the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Universities in many countries have shifted to “distance learning” or distance education to provide courses.
The 2020 SMART 2.0 Challenge will incorporate student input concerning how best to improve distance learning and will challenge the participants to:
-Identify up to five (5) important problem being widely experienced by distance leaners
-Develop innovative solutions to overcome these problems
Participation Eligibility
All students from SATU member universities
Students must be currently enrolled in a full-time study program
Submission Guidelines
1. Project Submission Requirements:
2. An Abstract (less than 250 words) of your team’s preliminary ideas, which must be named as "[Team Name]_2020 SMART 2.0 Abstract."
3. Each team is required to submit a 3–5 minute Project Video to demonstrate their proposed solutions, which must be named as “[Team Name]_2020 SMART 2.0 Video.”
4. A completed “2020 SATU SMART 2.0 SMART 2.0 Team Member Contributions” form listing each team member's contributions to the project. Please download the form here.
5. The submitted Abstract, Video, and Contributions form are required to be provided in English.
6. Each Project Video is required to contain the following mandatory sections:
7. TEAM NAME and self-introduction of each team member;
8. The STRATEGY involving the combination of strategies and teaching techniques comprising your team’s proposed solution. Your team should place an emphasis on the novelty and value to distance learning of your team’s solution;
9. The expected IMPACT of the implementation of your team’s solution.
10. Optional: We encourage students to use FREE online courses, such as Coursera, edX, and Udemy, to gain firsthand exposure to distance learning platforms.
More details on website
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