2017年 QS醫學高峰會 創新醫療照護
QS Subject Focus Summit–Medicine
Universities Innovating for Future Healthcare
Day 1: Monday, October 16, 2017
Venue: Top of Ambassador, 20F Ambassador Hotel Kaohsiung (高雄國賓大飯店20F樓外樓)
18:00 – 19:00 Registration and Pre-dinner Drinks 報到暨餐前酒會
19:00 – 19:20 Welcome Addresses 開幕致詞
Vice President Chien-Jen Chen (TBC)
Office of the President 陳建仁副總統(邀請中)
Republic of China (Taiwan) 中華民國(臺灣)
Professor Po-Ya Chang (TBC) 張博雅院長(邀請中)
President, the Control Yuan 監察院院長
Republic of China (Taiwan) 中華民國(臺灣)
Ms Mandy Mok
Chief Executive Officer
QS Asia Quacquarelli Symonds
QS 亞太地區執行長
Singapore 新加坡
19:20–19:50 Keynote Address: Medical Frontiers and Missions in Higher Education
Professor Ching-Kuan Liu 劉景寬校長
Kaohsiung Medical University 高雄醫學大學
Taiwan 臺灣
19:50 Welcome Dinner 歡迎晚宴
21:00 End of Welcome Dinner 晚宴結束
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