Teens feel less emotional support than their parents think they do, new report shows
As a youth mental health crisis persists in the US, a new report highlights a significant gap between the level of support that teenagers feel and the amount that parents think their children have. Only about a quarter of teens said they always get the social and emotional support they need, but parents were nearly three times more likely to think they did, according to a report published Tuesday by the National Center for Health Statistics. The study authors note that the presence of an interviewer may have biased parents to respond more favorably, but significant discrepancies between perceptions of parents and children were found across demographic groups. Teens are often thinking about their feelings, along with their identity and place in the world, but they might not want to share that with their parents, said Dr. Jeffrey Arnett, a developmental psychologist and senior research scholar at Clark University.
---from CNN
隨著美國青少年心理健康危機持續存在,一份新報告強調了青少年感受到的支持程度與父母認為孩子獲得的支持程度之間存在巨大差距。 根據國家衛生統計中心週二發布的一份報告,只有大約四分之一的青少年表示他們得到所需要的社會和情感支持,但父母認為他們得到的支持可能是所感受到的近三倍。 研究作者指出,訪談者的存在可能會讓父母做出更有利的反應,但不同人口群體的父母和孩子的看法有顯著差異。 Clark大學發展心理學家兼高級研究學者Dr. Jeffrey Arnett說,青少年經常思考自己的感受、身份和在世界上的地位,但他們可能不想與父母分享。
Nearly half of adult cancer deaths in the US could be prevented by making lifestyle changes, study finds
About 40% of new cancer cases among adults ages 30 and older in the United States — and nearly half of deaths — could be attributed to preventable risk factors, according to a new study from the American Cancer Society. Smoking was the leading risk factor by far, the study found, contributing to nearly 1 in 5 cancer cases and nearly a third of cancer deaths. Other key risk factors included excess body weight, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, diet and infections such as HPV. Overall, researchers analyzed 18 modifiable risk factors across 30 types of cancer. In 2019, these lifestyle factors were linked to more than 700,000 new cancer cases and more than 262,000 deaths, the study found. Cancer grows because of DNA damage or because it has a fuel source, Kamal said. Other things — such as genetics or environmental factors — can also create these biological conditions, but modifiable risks explain a significantly larger share of cancer cases and deaths than any other known factors. Exposure to sunlight can damage DNA and lead to skin cancer, for example, while fat cells produce hormones that can feed certain cancers. “With cancer, it oftentimes feels like you have no control,” Kamal said. “People think about bad luck or bad genetics, but people need to feel a sense of control and agency.”
---from CNN
美國癌症協會的一項新研究顯示,在美國 30 歲及以上成年人中,約 40% 的新癌症病例以及近一半的死亡病例可歸因於可預防的風險因素。 研究發現,迄今為止,吸菸是主要的危險因素,導致近五分之一的癌症病例和近三分之一的癌症死亡。其他主要風險因素包括體重過重、飲酒、缺乏運動、飲食和 HPV 等感染。 總體而言,研究人員分析了 30 種癌症的 18 種可改變的風險因子。研究發現,2019 年,這些生活方式因素與超過 70 萬例新癌症病例和超過 262,000 例死亡有關。 Kamal說,癌症的成長是由於 DNA 損傷或因為它有燃料來源。其他因素——例如遺傳或環境因素——也可能造成這些生物學條件,但與任何其他已知因素相比,可改變的風險解釋了更大比例的癌症病例和死亡。例如,暴露在陽光下會損害 DNA 並導致皮膚癌,而脂肪細胞會產生可以促進某些癌症的荷爾蒙。 「對於癌症,你常常感覺自己無法控制,」Kamal說。 “人們會想到運氣不好或基因不好,但人們需要感受到控制和支持。”
This grocery store item is beloved in the US. But it’s banned in South Korea
One of America’s most popular exports is illegal in South Korea – Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel seasoning mix. The blend, which is popular with influencers and regularly spotted in recipes on TikTok, contains salt, minced garlic, sesame seeds and poppy seeds – the last of which is banned in South Korea. Travelers arriving at Seoul’s Incheon Airport (ICN) recently have reported seeing signs specifically mentioning the Everything But the Bagel seasoning mix not being permitted. One poster on X, formerly known as Twitter, shared a poster from the airport. The sign had a picture of the seasoning mix and read in Korean, “We would like to inform you that the following products containing poppy seeds are restricted from being brought into the country as ‘Papaver Somniferum L,’ an ingredient of the poppy family designated as narcotic substance under South Korea’s narcotic drugs control law has been detected.” “Seed products with narcotic substances have always been banned from being brought into Korea. Recently, the customs offices have been strengthening crackdown on narcotic related items,” an airport representative told CNN. The poppy plant is a vital source for the same compounds which are found in painkillers like codeine and morphine as well as street drugs like heroin, although the seeds themselves don’t contain any opiates.
---from CNN
美國最受歡迎的出口產品之一-Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel調味料在韓國是非法的。 這種混合物很受有影響力的人的歡迎,經常出現在 TikTok 上的食譜中,它含有鹽、蒜末、芝麻籽和罌粟籽——後者在韓國是被禁止的。 最近抵達首爾仁川機場 (ICN) 的旅客報告稱,看到了專門提及不允許攜帶Everything But the Bagel調味料的標誌。 X(以前稱為 Twitter)上的一張海報分享了一張來自機場的海報。標誌上有一張調味料的圖片,並用韓語寫著:「我們想通知您,以下含有罌粟籽的產品被限制帶入該國,名稱為'Papaver Somniferum L',是罌粟家族的一種成分,該成分在南韓的麻醉藥品管制法下被指定為麻醉物質。」 「含有麻醉物質的種子產品一直被禁止帶入韓國。最近,海關一直在加強對毒品相關物品的打擊力度,」機場代表告訴 CNN。 罌粟植物是可待因和嗎啡等止痛藥以及海洛因等街頭毒品中發現的相同化合物的重要來源,儘管種子本身不含任何鴉片類藥物。
Dress Codes: Why do tennis players wear white?
Pristine, crisp and all-white — tennis whites have been a tradition dating back centuries. The distinctive look has not only made the racquet sport stand out, it has also become a sartorial mainstay off the courts, too. And even though most of the major tournaments have done away with the hueless uniformity, Wimbledon, the very first of them, has remained strict in its policy (as have many private clubs around the world). The prestigious championship even clamped down on the rule a decade ago, prohibiting colorful accents that had become increasingly common — the year after Roger Federer’s now-infamous pair of orange-soled sneakers were banned after his first round in 2013. The rules once called for “predominantly white” outfits, allowing some competitors to play with color combinations, such as Serena Williams’ tribute to Wimbledon treat strawberries and cream in 2010. But the crackdown changed the wording to “almost entirely white,” per the organizers: no off-white, no panels of color, no varying colorways on sneakers. The only recent loosening of rules was in 2023, to allow women to wear dark-colored shorts on the court following criticisms that the rules weren’t accommodating for menstruation leaks.
---from CNN
質樸、清爽、全白——網球白已成為幾個世紀前的傳統。獨特的外觀不僅使球拍運動脫穎而出,也成為球場外的時尚常客。 儘管大多數主要賽事都取消了毫無色彩的統一性,但溫布頓作為其中的第一個賽事,仍然嚴格執行政策(世界各地的許多私人俱樂部也是如此)。這項久負盛名的錦標賽甚至在十年前就禁止了這一規定,禁止越來越普遍的彩色裝飾——就在Roger Federer 在2013 年首輪比賽後穿著那雙現在臭名昭著的橙色底運動鞋被禁止的那一年。 這些規則曾經要求「以白色為主」的服裝,允許一些參賽者使用顏色組合,例如Serena Williams在2010 年向溫布頓致敬的草莓和奶油。將措詞改為「幾乎完全白色」,不允許偏白色、不允許有色板塊,也不允許球鞋上有不同的顏色設計。最近唯一一次放鬆規則是在 2023 年,允許女性在球場上穿深色短褲,此前有人批評該規則不適合月經洩漏。
Dogs might have evolved to read your emotions
Dogs’ ability to feel your pain could be innate. It is the result of centuries of co-evolution with humans, suggests a community-science study that compared the responses of dogs and pet pigs to the sound of humans crying and humming. The results were published on 2 July in Animal Behaviour. Humans pay attention to how the animals in their lives are feeling, and it seems that this attentiveness is reciprocal. Researchers have found that horses will stop and listen longer to human growls than to laughter. Pigs respond more strongly to sounds made by people than wild boars do. But studies testing whether the animals are just reacting to weird human sounds, or are capable of true emotional contagion — the ability to interpret and reflect people’s emotional states — are thin on the ground. Most animals can accurately echo the feelings of only other members of their species. But studies have shown that dogs (Canis familiaris) can mirror the emotions of the people around them.
----from Nature
狗狗感受你疼痛的能力可能是與生俱來的。一項社區科學研究表明,這是幾個世紀以來與人類共同進化的結果,該研究比較了狗和寵物豬對人類哭泣和哼唱的反應。研究結果發表於 7 月 2 日《動物行為》雜誌。 人類會注意生活中動物的感受,而這種關注似乎是相互的。研究人員發現,馬會停下來聆聽人類的咆哮,而不是笑聲。豬對人類發出的聲音的反應比野豬更強烈。 但測試動物是否只是對奇怪的人類聲音做出反應,或者是否具有真正的情緒感染能力(解釋和反映人們情緒狀態的能力)的研究還很少。大多數動物只能準確地回應其物種中其他成員的感受。但研究表明,狗(Canis familiaris)可以反映周圍人的情緒。
The geneticist who uses science to free parents wrongly convicted of killing their children
Carola Vinuesa’s story lies at the intersection of an unusual Venn diagram: her expertise in genetics overlaps with an interest in feminism, social justice and the sway that science can hold in a court of law. Vinuesa’s day job is an assistant research director at the Francis Crick Institute in London, where she leads a laboratory that unpicks the biology and genetics of autoimmune diseases. She and her team have shown that there is a connection between genetic variations and autoimmune diseases such as lupus. The findings help to explain the pathogenesis of this disease, which affects 3.41 million people worldwide and includes symptoms that range from joint pain to severe organ damage. Vinuesa also moonlights as a sort of geneticist-turned-private-investigator, lending her scientific know how pro bono to parents who she thinks are wrongly accused of killing their children (see ‘Quick fire questions’). So far, she has been contacted about six cases, and done considerable work on four. Currently, only one case has resulted in a conviction being overturned, when her intervention helped to free Kathleen Folbigg who was in prison in Australia. “I feel so overwhelmed by the cases, each of them takes a lot more than you want to give, but these women are desperate,” she says. “I’m a mother. This could happen to me and so I feel for these women.”
--from Nature
Carola Vinuesa 的故事處於一個不尋常的維恩圖的交叉點:她在遺傳學方面的專業知識與對女權主義、社會正義以及科學在法庭上的影響力的興趣重疊。 Carola Vinuesa的日常工作是Francis Crick Institute in London的助理研究主任,她領導一個實驗室,研究自體免疫疾病的生物學和遺傳學。她和她的團隊已經證明,遺傳變異與狼瘡等自體免疫疾病之間存在關聯。這些發現有助於解釋這種疾病的發病機制,這種疾病影響全球 341 萬人,症狀包括從關節疼痛到嚴重器官損傷等。 Vinuesa也兼職擔任遺傳學家出身的私人調查員,無償地將她的科學知識傳授給那些她認為被錯誤指控殺害孩子的父母(詳見“快速問答”)。到目前為止,她已經聯繫了六起案件,並為其中四起做了大量工作。目前,只有一宗案件導致定罪被推翻,當時她的干預幫助釋放了在澳洲監獄的Kathleen Folbigg。 「我對這些案件感到不知所措,每個人需要的都比你想要給予的多得多,但這些女性很絕望,」她說。 “我是一位母親。這可能會發生在我身上,所以我對這些女性感到同情。