2019炫高雄 國際新生青春田園趴
Welcome Party for International Freshmen
For welcoming international students for their first visit to Kaohsiung, we specially organized the “2019 SHARE KAOHSIUNG- Welcome Party for International Freshmen.” This 2-day event, including agricultural DIY, group games, local cuisine and unique cultural site visits, aims to help the newcomers to quickly know about Kaohsiung and to indulge them with local culture and sceneries. At the same time, the event creates opportunities to connect the relationship between schools and students, so as to build interpersonal relationship, and assist them to blend in local culture and new campus life.
活動時間 Time
2019年11月23(六) 9:00至11月24(日)13:00
November 23(Sat), 2019, 9:00~24(Sun) 13:00
First-year international freshmen registered in universities and colleges in Kaohsiung City.
報名日期Registration Deadline
Starting from today until 17:30, November 5, 2019 (Tue.)
報名方式How to apply
Please fulfill the application form(as the attachment) , attach all the necessary documents and then submit to OGA before the deadline.
11/23 第一天行程Day One
時間 Time |
項目 Content |
報到集合 Check-in |
09:00-10:00 |
高雄市政府鳳山行政中心-報到/分組/自我介紹 Fongshan Administration Centre of Kaohsiung City Government–Check-in / Grouping / Self-introduction |
始業式 Opening |
10:00-10:30 |
高雄市吉祥物歡迎儀式/福氣歸來(福龜餅) Kaohsiung Mascot Welcome Ceremony / “Good Fortune Returns” (Fu-Gui Pastry) |
破冰團康 Icebreaker Fun Games |
10:30-10:45 |
初次見面團康破冰-大團康、競賽活動說明 Ice-breaking– Fun Games, Competition Briefing |
10:45-12:00 |
我們是夥伴!闖關競賽積分活動(共6關) We are partners! Fun game scoring activity (6 games in total) |
風味午餐 Lunch |
12:00-13:00 |
快樂用餐時光 / 美濃客鄉味+經典台式珍珠奶茶 Lunch Time / Meinong Hakka Cuisine + Classic Taiwanese Bubble Milk Tea |
前進旗山 Let's go to Cishan! |
13:00-14:00 |
車上時光(巴士) / 說故事時間-旗山! Traveling (by bus) / Storytelling time- Cishan! |
14:00-15:40 |
旗山第一站-文創手作DIY大挑戰 First Stop in Cishan – DIY Challenge Ø 挑戰1. 手作香蕉包 Challenge 1. Making Banana Bun Ø 挑戰2. 手作植物染 Challenge 2. Plant Dyeing |
15:40-16:10 |
車上時光 (巴士) Traveling (by bus) |
16:10-17:00 |
旗山第二站-旗山農業體驗/採收當季水果或農產 Second Stop in Cishan – Agricultural Experience / Seasonal Fruits or Vegetable Harvesting |
17:00-17:30 |
前進芭娜娜田園趴會場 Traveling to Party Venue |
青春田園趴 Party Time |
17:30-19:00 |
田園饗宴 Pastoral Banquet Ø 說故事時間-高雄特色美食說食活動 Story Time – introduction to unique Kaohsiung cuisine Ø 在地方風味美食大餐 Enjoy Local Delicacy Ø 頒獎晚會 Award Ceremony |
19:00-19:30 |
感恩之禮-拜火大會、原民大會舞 Gratitude Ceremony – Bonfire, Indigenous Group Dance |
19:30-20:30 |
派對時間! 青春田園電音趴派對 Party time! Share Kaohsiung EDM Party |
前進義大 Go To E-DA |
20:30-21:30 |
車上時光-住宿事項說明 Traveling - Accommodation Guide |
21:30 |
入住飯店-義大天悅飯店,晚安! Check in – E-DA Skylark Hotel, Good Night! |
11/24 第二天行程Day Two
行程Schedule |
時間 Time |
項目 Content |
早安 義大天悅 Good Morning E-DA |
08:30-09:30 |
義大天悅飯店-美味早餐 E-DA Skylark Hotel –Breakfast |
文化體驗 Cultural Experience |
09:30-10:00 |
車上時光 Traveling (by bus) |
10:00-12:00 |
參訪佛光山佛陀紀念館 Visit Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum |
結業式 Completion Ceremony |
12:00-12:10 |
頒發活動紀念品,快樂大合照/美味午餐帶著走 Souvenirs, Group Pictures / Delicious Lunch Takeout |
快樂返家Home Sweet Home |
12:10- |
留下美好時光,回家了~ Had a good time, heading home ~ |
Kaohsiung City Government reserve the rights to change the itinerary.
活動須知Activity Notice
1. 填寫報名表格務必將所有資料填寫清楚、完整,繳交予各學校國際處,並確認所有資料備齊。
Please fill out the application form (as the attachment) clearly and completely, and submit to the office of Global affairs and to verify all required information are complete.
2. 若學生有特殊飲食或宗教需求(如:不吃牛肉、豬肉、需祈禱室等),請務必於個人報名表中確實填寫。
If the student has special dietary or cultural needs (such as no beef or pork; need for prayer room, etc.), please make sure it is clearly indicated in the registration form.
3. 活動為團體活動,配有隨隊老師、志工、工作人員,活動期間請遵守注意事項及秩序維護指揮,切勿擅自離隊、從事危險動作等。如發生身體不適之情形,請隨即通知隨隊人員,以利協助處理。
This event is a group activity with group leaders, volunteers and staff. During the event, please follow the instructions and do not leave your team at will or engage in dangerous activities. If you are experiencing discomfort or illness, please inform them immediately for further assistance.
4. 部分活動將在戶外進行,為活動安全與避免蚊蟲叮咬,請穿著輕便服裝、平底運動鞋,並攜帶薄長袖外套、帽子、太陽眼鏡及防蚊液等。
As part of the program are outdoor events, to ensure safety and to avoid bug bites, please wear lightweight clothing, flat sneakers, and prepare light long-sleeved jacket, a hat, sunglasses and bug spray.
5. 請自行攜帶參加戶外活動及過夜之必要物品,及個人證件(如護照、健保卡、學生證、居留證等)。
Please bring with you necessary items for outdoor activities and overnight stay, as well as IDs (such as passport, NHI Card, Student Card, Residence Certificate, etc.).
6. 請僅攜帶所需之必要物品;個人隨身或貴重物品,主辦單位恕不負保管責任。
Please downsize your luggage and bring only the necessities. The organizer will not be responsible for the lost of personal belongings or valuables of the participants.
7. 本活動抵達集合地點及解散地點之接送,皆由各校負責,請務必與學校確切聯繫,並準時抵達。
Transportation to and from the event will be arranged by your university. Please be sure to get in touch and arrive on time.
住宿須知 Accommodation Notice
1. 入住飯店後嚴禁學生私自隨意外出。
Students shall not leave the accommodation during the event without informing the staff in advance.
2. 禁止大聲喧譁、打擾他人、抽菸,以及嚴禁任何賭博遊戲
It is forbidden to make loud noises, disturb others, smoke, or play any gambling games.
3. 學生依照名單分配入住指定之寢室,4人一間房,嚴禁私下隨意更換房間。
Students shall stay in the assigned room, which will be a quadruple room for 4 people. Please do not exchange your room with others without permission.
Organizer: Department of Administrative and International Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government
承辦人:黃詩婷 (分機2857)