Kaohsiung Medical University is pursuing to produce global citizens and provide students with as many opportunities as possible to internationalise their study.
International Volunteers
KMU students can join the international volunteer services during his/her study in Taiwan. International Volunteer Group recruit and and train volunteers to send them to oversea countries during summer. Contact us if you would like to be the one.
高醫國際志工網站KMU International Volunteers website

International conference
KMU students attending the international conference as representatives of KMU would be qualified to apply for partial flight tickets reimbursement with the proofs of their poster and oral presentation. (Except for going to their original country.)

Summer Camp
During the summer vacation, some of our sister schools will provide opportunities to KMU students to join the summer camp, the itinerary are varies, choose what you like and enjoy your summer time in KMU!!

Contact: ciae@kmu.edu.tw