Kaohsiung Medical University is delighted to welcome students from all around the world who have chosen KMU as their clerkships or exchange program destination.
- Clerkship Program for Harvard Students
- 美國聖地牙哥州立大學 MHIRT 計畫 SDSU Minority Health Disparities International Research Training Program
- 科技部候鳥計畫-科技臺灣探索計畫 Taiwan Tech Track (TTT)
- 國際醫學生聯合會 The International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA)
- 國際藥學生聯合會 International Pharmaceutical Student Federation (IPSF)
- 加拿大麥基爾大學 McGill University, Canad

Contact: ciae@kmu.edu.tw