Courtesy Visit to Partner School, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

On July 31 to August 7, 2016, Professor Eing-Mei Tsai and Professor Jau-Ling Suen paid courtesy visit to our partner school, Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel on behalf of Kaohsiung Medical University.  KMU was invited to join the cruise to Israel arranged by Legislator, Yi-Ming Chen's Office who was also our ex-vice president as well as our faculty member.  The purpose of the cruise lied in two folds; one was for consolidating our boning with Israel; the other, for paying courtesy visit to our partner schools as well as other academic institutions, in an attempt  to build bonds and initiate possible academic communication in the future.  The whole crew joined the luncheon with Dr. Ada E. Yonath as the interlude in the trip, who was also the Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry in 2009 by studying and analyzing the function and structure of ribosome.  

1. Visit to Technion University on August 1, 2016

This visit was kindly arranged by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel-Aviv.  Technion University has been known for brooding many Nobel Prize Winners and nick-named as MIT in Israel.  Coordinators from International Office made a brief introduction and specially showed our crew the palm tree planed by Albert Einstein.  Technion University set up a bunch of scholarships in order to attract elites to join the academia.  But it was a shame that there were rarely known among the Taiwanese and fewer submit their application.  

Technion University  Visit to Technion University

2. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem on August 2, 2016

The major purpose of this courtesy visit was for KMU to extend our intention to continue our partnerships with Lautenberg Research Center for Immunology and Cancer Research at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  In 2011, Graduate Institute of Medicine has thrown a two-day International Conference and three great scholars, Professor Eitan Yefenof, Researcher Professor David Noir and Professor Michael Berger was invited to join the great event held by KMU.  It was Professor Eing-Mei Tsai and Professor Jau-Ling Suen together received our honorable guest.  The visit was succeeded by constructing partnerships in 2012.  The precedent familiarity made it much easier to come straight to the main discussion on substantial research collaboration. Legislator Yi-Ming Chen also stood for KMU to deliver a speech on Animal Models and Drug Development for Liver Cancer, which incurred heated discussion with the speaker and resonance among the audience. 

Lautenberg Prof. Eitan             Prof. Eitan
Photo after speech at Lautenberg Research Center             Discussion on potential research collaboration with Prof. Yefnof 

3. Barzilai Medical Center on August 3, 2016 

The initiation of this visit sprang from Professor Chen's being acquainted with the Director Prof. Shlomo L. Maayan (MD; Director, Infectious Disease Division) tracing back to both as post graduates.  The purpose of this visit resided in potential collaboration on research targeted at HIV/ HPV.  Prof. Shlomo discussed with our faculties concerning the potential collaboration both parties could develop into such as easy diagnosis of HPV at the initial stage to reduce the rate of cervical cancer in order to encourage female to do examinations before diagnosed of HPV infection. 

Prof. Shlomo    Dr. Yaniv Sherer 醫院 JCI 委員

Left to right, Prof. Suen, Chen, Shlomo and Tsai                   Left, Dr. Yaniv Sherer JCI member and right Prof. Tsai

Prof.Eyal Entebi 婦科主任    醫學院長心臟科

Left, Prof. Eyal Entebi, Director for the divison of Gynecology     Middle, Dean at the College of Medicine

4. Innovation Center at Tel Aviv University on August 4, 2016

The innovation Center at Tel Aviv University offered courses spanning 5-6 months, specially designed for each individual according to their traits and forte.  All the members studying in the center could be able to have panel discussions to have epiphany on their commodities and their interested industry to dedicate into.  The crew occasionally bunched into an undergraduate from National Tsing Hua University studying in the innovation center.   It did offer our visiting crew to contemplate how KMU students could be motivated to actively participate this kind of training.  

Prof. Ada 1        Prof. Ada

Prof. Ada  and Prof. Tsai                                                            Lucheon with Prof. Ada

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