Breaking News from Thailand! Thailand and Taiwan have taken turns to organize Taiwan-Thailand Higher Education Forum since 2011 in order to promote mutual communications. More and more projects are in progress between Thailand and Taiwan. To follow the trend of global higher education, on May 19, Professor Cherng-Jye Jeng, Dean for Office of Global Affairs (OGA) and Ms. Phyllis Chen, Coordinator of OGA will represent KMU to attend Taiwan-Thailand Education Fair at Chiang Mai University Convention Center. During the elapse of time preparing for the higher education fair, Prof. Jeng and Ms. Chen took this chance to contact the responsible persons at Chiang Mai University in advance for discussion on establishing partnerships. Accordingly, on May 18, Prof. Jeng represented KMU and took courtesy visit to Chiang Mai University, visiting Associate Professor Rome Chiranukrom, Vice President for International Relations, and Dr. Patcharawan Silthampitag, Assistant Dean for Research and International Relations, Department of Prosthodontics. To make the most of this business trip, on May 17, Prof Jeng also visited Maejo University’s representative in an attempt to have our academic communicative partner schools to reach more universities in Thailand. It is rightly to foresee the global networks of KMU will soon be nailed down in every corner of the world.
Top-left: Courtesy visit to Chiang Mai University with Associate Professor Rome Chiranukrom, Vice President for International Relations and Dr. Patcharawan Silthampitag, Assistant Dean for Research and International Relations
Top-right: Visit to to Maejo University
Middle-left: Photo with Clinical Professor Niwes Nantachit M.D, President of Chiang Mai University
Middle-right: Photo with organizer of Taiwan-Thailand Higher Education Fair and delegates from Taiwan's Universities
Down-left:Taiwan Higher Education Fair 1
Down-right:Taiwan Higher Education Fair 2