On Nov. 18, 2015, we witnessed another great event, signing Memorandum of Understanding with University of HKBP Nommensen (UHN). Rector of UHN on the ceremony suggested that UHN would have all the lecturers acquiring Ph. D. Degree in the near 15 years corresponding to the policy of Indonesian government. They would like to send their faculty for further study in Taiwan to acquire Ph. D. Degree. President Ching-Kwan Liu as well as Rector Ir. Sabam Malau were surprised to learn that both universities were established in Octobor of 1954. The delegates from UHN according to Rector Malau were all impressed by the hospitality of Taiwanese people and was pleased to learn that there were 8 Indonesian students studying in KMU and five of them studying in Graduate Institute of Medicine, College of Medicine. He assumed that education would change and enhance the progress of the society and construction of partnership with KMU would bring such mechanism to help the progress in Indonesia. Both universities exchanged gifts to commemorate this great event. On handing traditional hand-woven cloth to President Liu, Rector Malau endowed much of his blessings belying in the gifts, wishing good health, love, happiness to the receiver as well as blessings to our university. The signing ceremony was closed with a wonderful ending with dinner where all the delegates with common fields of study joined together to discuss further in details of future exchange program in hope of constructing solid bond between both universities.

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