2017 QS Subject Focus Summit on Medicine launched with welcome dinner party on October 16 and drew a perfect ending on the cruise at Kaohsiung Harbor on the 18th. Speakers and scholars from overseas universities had heated discussions and communications in terms of medical education during the two-day conference.
Beautiful night views on the sea, in-depth briefing KMU's development embedded with medical development of southern Taiwan, pruriently trained student ambassadors, well-organized activities, and most of all, closely-correlated speech topics, -- all of which made the participation a wonderful experience for speakers as well as international scholars. In additions to the closely connected issues allocated respectively in three sessions, Convener Mr. Pieter Stek utilized subtle questions to elicited heated discussions and idea-sharing among the audience and speakers. The core value of humanities that buttressed either the medical education or distribution of medical services penetrated all the speeches. The purpose to host the conference resided in providing a platform for idea sharing and also finding breakthrough for medical universities in face with the impact of internationalization.
Speech topics were grouped in three tracks dealing with issues such as medical services, medical education and the career development of medical specialists. Speakers in track one demonstrated the core value of humanities in patient-centered medical care, either by exemplifying a project in progress or by showing development of patient-centered medical education, in order to specify the core value of humanities as the pivot point in patient care that mattered much in our healthcare system. It was then successively followed by how some universities practically improved their medical education by employing technology as subsidiaries or facilities, or by calling for a reform of the approaches of teaching. In the third track, speakers emphasized the career development for specialists in medical sciences which calls for a rethinking of our structure of training.
The issues in the three tracks circled around humanities and ultimately all the improvement would lead to the creation of a better health-care environment for the patient as well as the medical specialists in general. Under the surge of internationalization, many universities with teaching hospital struggled to adapt to the transformation and grasped the opportunities to take the lead in the field of medicine. The conference would serve as catalyst for more enlightenment and innovative idea for the great minds devoting to changes and dedicating for the need of others.
高雄醫學大學舉辦2017 QS醫學高峰會(2017 QS Subject Focus Summit on Medicine)。連續2日的國際研討會,106年10月16日以歡迎晚宴揭開序幕,於10月18日中午研討會結束後,下午進行校園參訪,晚間以遊港畫下完美句點。
參與此高峰會的學者專家,皆留下深刻而良好的印象。遊港夜景、高雄醫學大學校史與南臺灣醫療發展沿革緊扣相連、訓練有素的學生團隊、精心規劃的各項活動環節,更重要的是,研討會中每場主題彼此皆相互關聯。此次研討會帶給所有與會者不同凡響的與會經驗。QS團隊Mr. Pieter Stek擔任每場講座主持人,針對每場場者演講內容進行提問,讓在場聽眾與同場講座的演講者們引發熱烈討論,並藉此使聽眾與講者針對各場演講主題有更多意見交流機會。醫學教育或偏鄉醫療資源的分配,皆源於仁慈、博愛為其核心價值,而此次研討會則以此核心價值為核心主軸串連每場演講發表內容。此次QS 醫學高峰會旨在提供醫學人文主題的意見交流分享,亦透過此交流平台讓全世界各醫學大學,於國際化衝擊的背景下,尋得突破困境的解套。