“Takeda Science Foundation Fellowship Program 2021” is calling for application now!
ANNOGA No.109112
July 09, 2020
“Takeda Science Foundation Fellowship Program 2021” is calling for application now! The departure date should be between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022.
I. Eligibility:
1. Major in Healthcare related fields such as medicine and pharmaceutical
sciences, with MD or PhD degree. The candidates with physician licenses
would be considered first.
2. For the grant periods of 12 ~ 24 months, the candidates under 35 years old
would be considered first.
II. Grant contents:
期程(Grant Period) |
名額(Number) |
獎助內容(Grant Contents) |
1~2年 |
1 |
每月日幣25萬 經濟艙日本來回機票一張 若每月平均住宿費用超過日幣5萬元,其超出部分每月最多再補助日幣5萬元。If the average monthly house rent is higher than 50,000 yen, the excess is refundable at a maximum of 50,000 yen per month. |
6個月 |
1 |
3個月 |
1 |
III. Applying Steps:
1.Please contact Ms. Yi-Chuan Liu (yijuan@tnupacktour.com.tw) for application ID and password first, then visit the grant application website (https://schol.takeda-sci.or.jp/fmi/webd/TK_SCI ) submit your application.
2. Please complete the online application before August 30, 2020, and send all the required documents to the co-organizer--Backpack Vacation, Add: 11F-3, No. 46, Sec. 2, Minquan E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 10469, Taiwan
3. Contact Person:Ms. Yi-Chuan Liu / 劉宜娟 小姐
Tel:02-25213435 ext. 135
承辦人:林妍吟/Alice Lin
組 長:陳宜芳 助理教授
國際長:陳桂敏 教授
Tel:07-3121101 ext. 2861
E-mail: alicelin@kmu.edu.tw