Informed date: Apr.8, 2020.
Informed serial number:109059
The 2020 SATU Joint Research Scheme (JRS) is now calling for Co-PIs.
There are 224 projects from 157 PI applicants in this year which is highest one-year total in SATU JRS' nine-year history since 2012. This submission number is also more than two times greater than last year's 97 projects.
Furthermore, the project fields include Bioscience & Biotechnology, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Management, Medicine, Planning & Design, Sciences, and Social Science. With this tremendous increase, we believe that there is now an even greater opportunity for the scholars of our member universities to collaborate with each other.
The 2020 SATU JRS Projects List can be downloaded here, and we have also provided a link to this list on the 2020 SATU JRS webpage.
Please visit the 2020 SATU JRS for more information. To apply as a Co-PI, the applicant just needs to complete the online application form (which includes uploading a CV). The application will be sent to the PI(s) for review. The matched results of 2020 SATU JRS will be announced on the SATU webiste on May 18th, 2020.
Please note and mark in your calendar that the application deadline is 26th April, 2020.
If you require any further information, please contact Ms. Peggy Hsieh at you for your continued support.