To promote the international cooperation and educational exchanges, the project funded by the Ministry of Education aims to assist foreign students studying in Taiwan to gain workplace experience and practical training in business relevant to their professions. Through mutual understanding between foreign students and business in Taiwan, more potential foreign talents and professionals will be recruited and prepared; international personnel connections will also be expended. 

The project focuses on constructing a platform of matching and application of multi-manpower to assist business to choose foreign professionals needed in every field. It intends to provide overseas Chinese students and foreign students in Taiwan with the opportunities of short-term and long-term practical training in Taiwan. The practical training shortens the run-in periods for both business and foreign employees in workplace. Potential talents are more likely to be retained. More employment opportunities are also readily available for the foreign students studying in Taiwan after graduation.



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Official website of Global Internship Facilitation of Taiwan(GIFT)

Contact Preson: Ariel Chen (Center for International Internship Development, Tunghai University) TEL: +886-4-23590121#35527


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