財團法人國際合作發展基金會 2018年外籍獎學金受獎生微電影徵件活動簡章

2018 Taiwan ICDF Scholarship Recipient Short Film Competition Guidelines



To encourage our scholarship recipients to further explore Taiwan and at the same time document their stories from their time here, the TaiwanICDF is holding a video competitionwhich we hope will inspire their creativity and strengthentheir bond.

一、 主辦單位:

I. Host Organization


International Cooperation and Development Fund(TaiwanICDF)

二、 徵件日期:

II. Deadline for Submissions


All entries must be submitted online by 23:59 on June 30, 2018 (Saturday).

三、 參加資格:

III. Eligibility:



Students currently enrolled in the TaiwanICDF International Higher Education Scholarship Program.

Note: The entered video may be produced by the scholarship recipient of the TaiwanICDF International Higher Education Scholarship Program or teams formed by them with students of the 21 partner universities of the scholarship program (seeannex).

四、 拍攝主題:

IV. Theme


Using “Taiwan in my Eyes” as the themeand with atitle of the entrant’s choosing, produce a video that illustrates the spirit of Taiwan’s culture and peoplewhich aims to communicate to an international audience the beauty of Taiwan and demonstrate Taiwan’s positive learning environment and rich educationresources; videos can be in any format, styleand esthetic.

五、 作品規格:

V. Entry Requirements

() 拍攝畫面以台灣場景為主,畫面須搭配足以推薦國外友人或全球華人的,屬於台灣的在地故事或瞬間的美好,同時能展現我國優質學習環境及豐富教學資源。

1. Footage of submitted videos should feature scenes of Taiwanand the images should be relevant to the theme, with theaim toshowcase the local stories or moments that are unique to Taiwan.

() 影片旁白及字卡限用英文或中文,並請將旁白、字卡及對話加配中、英文並列字幕。

2. Narration of the videoand text arelimited to English or Chinese. Each video is required to have both English and Chinesesubtitlesof the narration, textand dialogue.

() 影片片長限於三分鐘以內,總長度包含片尾卡司介紹與黑畫面(如有,非必要元素),以實際上傳YouTube總長度為準,超過三分鐘之投稿影片將判定為不合格。

3. Films must not exceed three minutes in duration. This includes the time allotted for ending credits and logos. The broadcast time used by YouTube will be the standard for measuring time. Submissions that exceed three minutes will be disqualified.

() 影片輸出比例為169

4. The film’s aspect ratio is 16:9.

() 不限攝影器材種類或品牌,影片解析度為1280X720(720p)()以上,如達1920X1080 (1080p) 尤佳。

5. There are no requirements for the type or brand of camera equipment used for making the film. A video resolution of at least 1280x720 (720p) is required, with 1920x1080 (1080p) being ideal.

() 曾於其它徵選活動得獎的影音不得參加競賽、不得一稿多投,倘有上述情形,經發現後,一律取消參賽資格。

6. Films which previously won other competitions may not be submitted, nor can the submission be entered in multiple competitions simultaneously. Films found to be in violation of this rule will be disqualified.

六、 作品繳交步驟:

VI. Submission Instructions

()依要求格式上傳影片至YouTube 個人頻道,並將連結設定為私人連結(公開)。上傳YouTube影片時請務必填寫下列欄位:




1. The video must follow the requirements listed above and be uploaded to YouTube.The privacy setting of the video must be “Unlisted” until the resultof the contestisannounced.When you upload to You Tube, please write:

* Title: 2018 TaiwanICDF Scholarship Recipient Short Film Competition

* Tags: 2018 TaiwanICDF Scholarship Recipient Short Film Competition

* Category: Education


2.Complete the online entry form on the website(attachment 1), including your name/name of your teamand profile, inspiration for your film (no more than 300 words), a brief descriptionof the film, shooting location (please be specific), and the video URL.


3. After completing the steps above, save one copyeachof your video, with subtitle and music and without subtitlesand musicon DVD disc(save your files as: name of entrant_title of video –e.g. Alex Chang_My Taiwan.wmv)and send the disc, along with the following completed documents:TaiwanICDF Copyright License Agreement(attachment 2) and Written Consent of DisclosureFor the Collection, Processing and Use of Personal Data by the TaiwanICDF ScholarshipRecipient Short Film Competition and Related Activities(attachment 3), to13F, No. 9, Lane 62, Tien Mou West Rd., Taipei11157.Write “Application for 2018 TaiwanICDF Scholarship Recipient Short Film Competition” on the submission package.Allpackagesmust be postmarked by June 30, 2018.


4. Those who fail to mail a hard copy of the video will automatically be disqualified.

七、 評選標準:

VII. Judging Criteria

總分(Total score)100%

腳本創意(creativity of the script)20%、主題內涵(adherence to the theme)30%、敘事方法(fluid storyline)30%、拍攝剪輯技巧(technical aspects such as the camera work and editing techniques)20%

八、 作品甄選方式及獎項說明:

VIII. Judging and Prizes


All submissions will be evaluated by a panel of judges to determine the finalists;the panel will determine each prize winnerfromamong the finalists. Contestants with multiple entries can only win once.


First Place: NT$ 30,000 cash prize and a certificateof award.

【第二名】1名:獨得獎金新臺幣 20,000元,並可獲得獎狀乙紙。

Second Place: NT$ 20,000 cash prize and a certificateof award.

【第三名】1名:獨得獎金新臺幣 10,000元,並可獲得獎狀乙紙。

Third Place: NT$ 10,000 cash prize and a certificateof award.


Distinction(twoprizes): NT$ 5,000 cash prize and a certificate of award each.


Honorable Mention: A certificate of award each.

九、 得獎名單公布:

IX. Winner Announcement


The list of prize winnerswill be posted on the TaiwanICDF website beforeSeptember 5, 2018, and winners will be notifiedby e-mail and be invited to the award ceremony.


Please find application forms and regulation of this competition in attachment.







TaiwanICDF Public Relations Office Mr. Alex Tzu-yi Chang

Tel: 02-28732323 ext. 134

Address: 13F, No. 9, Lane 62, Tien Mou West Rd., Taipei 11157, Taiwan

Working Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 am -12:00 pm, 1:30pm –6pm

E-mail: taiwanicdfactivity@gmail.com

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