一、 申請方式/How to rent:

(一) 由各畢業生上網填具申請資料(詳學生畢業禮服網路申請線上登錄方式)。

The student must log into the school website, student

(二)1.以「班」為單位統一申請借用/group rental:


Bachelor and Master programs, please only send one rental request per class.

While renting as a group,the representative student must bring the student ID and paper copy of the online rental form to the Custody Division first, and then pay for the cleaning fee at the Cashier Division.

2.個別申請/individual rental:


Ph.D program students may rent the gown individually.Please bing your student ID and cleaning fee to apply for the rental.If someone else is renting for you,the person would still have to present your student ID in order to rent for you.


二、線上登錄期限及領取時間/Timeframe to fill out online rental request form and when to pick up:


應屆畢業生登錄借用期限/Online rental form fill out:3/9(五)~3/30(五)

畢代申請時間 /Rental request submission:3/31(六)~4/13(五)畢代領取時間/Pickup:4/19(四)~4/27(五)

(二)研究所碩/博班(網路開放時間仍需以教務處申請研究所論文考試預計畢業名冊簽核完成日為開放依據)/Master and Ph.D programs(The students can only request rentals after the final paper and oral exam results have been finalized and received by the Office of Academic Affairs.):

應屆畢業生登錄借用期限/Online rental form fill out:4/20(五)~5/18(五)

畢代申請時間/Rental request submission:於上列期限內班級彙整完畢即可(Timeframe as above)

畢代領取時間/Pickup:班級申請後隔日發放(The second day after the request has been processed.)


三、借用清洗費、賠償金及罰金/rental cleaning fees and other fines:Kindly find the attachments for your reference.


Remarks: Damages include color fading, tearing, fraying, non-removable staining, length alterations…etc. All damages will be fined as the item’s full retail price.


四、歸還時間/地點:畢業典禮6/9當天上午10:00至下午5:00/ 勵學大樓1樓。

Returning Time /Place :Place: 10:00 AM to 17:00 PM on 6/9 1st Floor at Li-Hsueh Bldg.

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Download this file (2018 Graduation Gown Rental Policy.pdf)2018 Graduation Gown Rental Policy.pdf165 kB2018-03-13
Download this file (Graduation Gown Rental Process (Ch and Eng Vision).pdf)Graduation Gown Rental Process (Ch and Eng Vision)1234 kB2018-03-13
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