Why don't you come over ? ─Penghu International Work Camp

The International Voluteer Camp will provide these services to the remote areas of Baisha and Xiyu. This will be a chance for local children to interact with teenagers from all around the world. Through the pre-camp courses and the activites during the camp, the enhancing understanding of their hometown and the strengthened planning and cooperation abilites are expected. The camp and courses are expected to be helps in the childrens’ future.


l   Camp Schedule

Since 2017.12 Program social worker respectively at the university in TaiwanPenghu island Baisha townshipXiyu township get on program volunteers and Member recruitment . And from March to June of this year, we will carry out relevant training and plan preparation.






TFCF Penghu Branch Office

International volunteers will arrive in Penghuand they will know their way around the TFCF Penghu Branch Office and living space.


TFCF Penghu Branch Office

Preparation before the work camp.


TFCF Penghu Branch OfficePenghu island

International volunteers and local youth volunteers will be introduced to each other, and they will be divided in groups for community services and their designated task.


Penghu Baisha township

Visiting and understanding the community, cultural exchanges, experiencing local culture.


Penghu Xiyu township


TFCF Penghu Branch Office

Farewell party


l   Budget:

1. The program is financed by the TFCF, which covers all activities during the camp preparation and during the implementation.

2. However, volunteers have to pay

(1) The round-trip transportation cost between Penghu and Taiwan; (2) Any personal expenses in the free time. 

l   How to apply? 

Please send theapplication form and the supporting documents to  No.75, Chenggong St., Magong City, Penghu County 880, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

l  Contact Person:

Taiwan Fund for Children and Families Penghu Office(TFCF-PH) 

 Email: ph@ccf.org.tw


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