



Application for 2019 Smart Food and Value Chain International conference at National Chung Hsing University


主旨:本校為辦理教育部「107年度強化東協及南亞國家合作交流以聯盟或跨校整合方式辦理-學術型領域聯盟-農業領域」,訂於108627日(星期四)上午9點至下午4點於國際農業大樓2),舉辦「2019智慧食物與價值鏈國際研討會」Smart Food and Value Chain

In charging of the MoE's "Improving the ASEAN and South Asian countries cooperation and exchange in the 107th year to deal with the alliance or cross-school integration - academic field alliance - agriculture field", scheduled for June 27, 2019 (Thursday) 9 am to 4 pm at the International Agricultural Building 2F, to hold the "2019 Smart Food and Value Chain International conference ".


說明 Detailed Information:

一、    本會議目的為借鏡國際專家學者之遠見,探討智慧農業生之智慧食物價值鏈,並邀請各位與會者參與綜合座談。

The purpose of this conference is to explore the smart food value chain of smart agricultural production by taking the perspective of international experts and scholars, and invite participants to discuss with them.


二、    會議特別邀請亞太農業研究機構聯盟Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions, APAARI)執行秘書Dr. Ravi Khetarpal到場演講並進行座交流。

The conference specially invited Dr. Ravi Khetarpal, Executive Secretary of the Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI), for a lecture and discussion.


三、    報名期限和方式:即日起歡迎報名,額滿為止。請至本校農資學院網站(http://canr.nchu.edu.tw/)或https:// bit.ly/2WVn3ym填寫報名。

Application period and method: welcome registration from now on, until the full amount. Please fill in the registration form on the website of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources  (http://canr.nchu.edu.tw/) or https:// bit.ly/2WVn3ym.


四、    本活動提供公務人員學習時數。

This activity provides Government Employee Lifelong Learning Hours.


Posted by Joy Chang.