



教育部聯絡窗口:林小姐 (02)23976800

2018/4/18補充說明:申請見/實習者,請下載 直式申請表.doc 橫式申請表.doc填寫完畢後,電郵至校內窗口並請電話確認收到,謝謝。


New Southbound Project – application deadline April 24 2018 

Project duration:

Project 2018 lasts from 2018 Jan. 1st~2018 Dec. 31st

Project 2019 lasts from 2019 Jan. 1st~2019 Dec. 31st

Application Data:

1 CD disk and 6 original copies of proposal together with budget chart; 6 copies of budget chart and Yearly application form.

Project Content:

KMU itself could propose inbound and outbound projects.

Inbound projects cover “Weekend School,” “Specialized courses,” “marketing fees” that subsidizes foreign students to come to Taiwan and so on.

Outbound projects could subsidize students go to practice (internship) in new southbound countries, and it sponsors the student more when the student’s has a linkage to the new southbound countries (whose parent comes from the new southbound countries).

Universities could as well to make alliance with others and under the name of the alliance, professors ’researches could be granted depending on each case.

Furthermore, language courses of south-eastern Asia could apply subsidy.    




承辦人:徐佩吟 (分機2383#13)

組長:黃斌 副教授
