On April 22 to 23, 2017, KMU hosted NSYSU-KMU Alliance Consensus Conference at Kenting Yo-Ho Resort inviting all the chiefs, heads and senior staff from both universities to find more common grounds for future developments of both universities. In the opening ceremony, KMU President Prof. Ching-Kuan Liu suggested that as a matter of fact distance education was not comparable to traditional face-to-face classroom in terms of the learning effectiveness. Both universities had collaborated to seek more support from our local government for the running of shuttle bus between NSYSU and KMU in hope of shortening the distance of two campuses for students taking courses in the partner universities. NSYSU President Prof. Ying-Yao Cheng spoke earnestly that the terminals of our collaboration fell on the goal to cultivate more professionals who could make social contributions in return. In terms of community services, faculty members to take the lead to guide the students through on facilitating the communities become bilingual or even trilingual.
On the first day of the conference, all the leading groups from NSYSU and KMU were in discussions respectively for future collaborations and the presentations coming on the next day. Dean Prof. Hung-Yi Chuang led the crew of KMU Office of Global Affairs to have discussion with NSYSU crew over the possibilities of cohosting an outdoor activities for international students. Due to the non-degree international students will be back to their home country by the end of June; henceforce, NSYSU's Vice President Prof. Chih-Wen Kuo suggested that they would keep the information posted among their international degree students.
Apart from the issue of cohosting activities for international students, the discussion also covered the topic of academic communication and the one as to ensuring announcements made public and known to relevant faculty members. Each year, KMU and partner university, Shang Hai Jiao Tong University, China would take turns to host academic symposium. NSYSU would be the top priority for invitation list. As to other coming conference like Asian Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health (ACOH) on April 27 to 30, Dr. Kuo and Dr. Chuang both regarded the stage, calling for papers and arranging preliminary schedules would be posted on the website. Whenever it was assumed necessary for reciprocal facilitation, both heads agreed upon mutul oral or written notice via phone or email and all the crews from both universities would engage in the collaboration. On the second day of the conference, international group presented the outcomes and achievements of 2016 academic year and also the discussion the day before. There were some shuffling of work responsibilities in KMU; therefore, the international group would work on future collaborative items.