Name: Professor Anne C. H. Tsai
Institution: University of Colorado, USA
Visit Date: 2019/11/12
Topic: Clerkship in Pediatrics II

Name: Professor Yi-Tai Jou
Institution: University of Pennsylvania, USA
Visit Date: 2019/08/08-2019/08/09
Topic: Dental OSCE in ENDO and OD

Name: Professor Shao-Ling Zhang
Institution: Université de Montréal, Canada
Visit Date: 2019/11/07-2019/11/08
Topic: 2019 International Conference on Frontiers in Environmental and Occupational Medicine--Hedgehog Interacting Protein (Hhip), a Novel Player in Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)

Name: Professor Jason Kai Wei Lee
Institution: National University of Singapore, Singapore
Visit Date: 2019/11/02-2019/11/04
Topic: Factors Affecting Performance in Athletes/Discussion of Athletes and Heat Environment/Heat Illness and Management for Athletes

Name: Professor Hong, Ying-yi
Institution: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Visit Date: 2019/11/01-2019/11/02
Topic: How does Culture Matter in the Face of Globalization?/ An Example of Interdisciplinary Research--The Biology of Subjective Socio-Economic Status

Name: Professor Young-Hoon Kim
Institution: Yonsei University, Korea
Visit Date: 2019/10/03-2019/10/04
Topic: The Self in Face and Dignity Cultures: Understanding the Self from the Eyes of Others or Their Own Eyes/ Be Careful When You Praise Your Students and Children: The Effects of Positive and Negative Performance Feedback on Achievement Motivation and Performance.

Name: Professor Patrick Leung
Institution: University of Houston, USA
Visit Date: 2019/11/22
Topic: Social Work Higher Education in the U.S./ Introduce MSW & PhD Program at the GCSW-UH

Name: Professor Robert Turesky
Institution: University of Minnesota, USA
Visit Date: 2019/11/07-2019/11/08
Topic: 2019 International Conference on Frontiers in Environmental and Occupational Medicine--Mechanistic Studies on Cooked Meat in Human Cancer

Name: Professor Hoon Hur
Institution: Ajou University, Korea
Visit Date: 2019/09/12
Topic: 2019 AJOU-KIMU Joint Symposium--Targeting Interaction between Fibrotic Storm and Cancer Cell in Gastric Cancer

Name: Professor Jesse B. Jupiter
Institution: Harvard Medical School, USA
Visit Date: 2019/10/01-2019/10/04
Topic: Musculoskeletal System--Hand and Wrist Disorder and Injury

Name: Professor Christopher W. DiGiovanni
Institution: Harvard Medical School, USA
Visit Date: 2019/09/28-2019/10/02
Topic: Musculoskeletal System--Functional Anatomy of Ankle and Foot

Name: Professor Thomas LaVeist
Institution: Tulane University, USA
Visit Date: 2020/01/10
Topic: The Minority Majority: Why research on radical disparities in health is the future and the present

Name: Professor Peter Bai
Institution: University of Debrecen, Hungary
Visit Date: 2019/10/07
Topic: Changes to the microbiome through altering bacterial metabolite production influence breast cancer development

Name: Professor Julia Crilly
Institution: Griffith University, Australia
Visit Date: 2019/12/03-2019/12/05
Topic: How to bulid research capacity between clicinal and academic settings

Name: Professor Kuo-Hsiung Lee
Institution: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, USA
Visit Date: 2019/10/14-2019/10/16
Topic: Progress and Perspective on the Discovery & Development of World-Class New Drugs from Chinese Herbal Medicine

Name: Professor Gwen Sherwood
Institution: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Visit Date: 2019/04/29-2019/04/30
Topic: Leadership in Nursing and Health Policy

Name: Professor Karla Ausderau
Institution: University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Visit Date: 2019/10/28-2019/10/30
Topic: Introducethe ASD and their occupation strength and difficulties/ Lifespan Development of ASD/ Rehabilitation and Health Care System in Wisconsin

Name: Professor S. Maggie Reitz
Institution: Towson University, USA
Visit Date: 2019/10/29-2019/10/31
Topic: History and Ethics of Community-Based Practice/ Theoretical Foundations for Community-Based Practice/ Community Practice for Marginalized Populations

Name: Professor Frances M. Yang
Institution: University of Kansas Medical Center, USA
Visit Date: 2019/12/16-2019/12/19
Topic: Path analysis and mediation analysis/ Mixture modeling with latent class analysis with unknown classes/ Longitudinal modeling and multilevel modeling

Name: Professor Marianne Baernholdt
Institution: University of North Carolina, USA
Visit Date: 2019/11/28-2019/11/29
Topic: Knowledge development on the impact of healthcare quality/ Interprofessional collaboration and practice and how this affects quality safety

Name: Professor Ravishankar Gokare
Institution: Dayananda Sagar Institution
Visit Date: 2019/11/29-2019/12/01
Topic: Metabolic engineering of plant secondary metabolite pathways/ Micro algae and macro algal seaweeds as a source of health foods: global trends I/ Micro algae and macro algal seaweeds as a source of health foods: global trends II