主旨 : 轉知2018.07.27-29 The world conference on Movement: Brain, Body, Cognition
說明 :
一、會議地點 : Joseph. B. Martin conference center of Harvard University School of Medicine, Boston, USA.
二、會議主題 : the scientific explorations of Cognitive-Movement applications in: Rehabilitation, neuropsychology, sports sciences, human development, gerontology, genetics/genomics, technologies and measurement, science of aesthetics, behavioral and communication sciences, motor learning, occupational and physical therapy, and biomedical engineering.
三、會議官方資訊及報名網址 : www.movementis.net
四、會議相關問題聯絡方式 : office@movememntis.com
國際長 莊弘毅 教授
組 長 胡楚松 副教授
承辦人 陳綺霞 敬上