2018年6月6日,本校與愛媛縣立醫療技術大學簽署合作備忘錄和學生交流協議。日方校長橋本公二(Koji Hashimoto)率領團隊成員前來高醫,包括院長中西純子(Junko Nakanishi),事務局長田中仁志(Hitoshi Tanaka)以及教育和學生事務負責人山田毅(Takeshi Yamada)。兩所大學在簡短介紹之後,日方校長並朗讀一封來自愛媛縣知事中村時弘(Tokihiro Nakamura)的信件,文中為雙方的合作提供更寬廣的藍圖,合作的單位包含政府單位與民間組織。中村知事認為,此次兩所大學的合作協議將為愛媛的學生提供更廣闊的基礎以建立國際觀點。
June 6, 2018, Kaohsiung Medical University signed MoU and Agreement for student exchange. EPU’s President Koji Hashimoto led the crew, Dean Junko Nakanishi, Chief Executive Officer Hitoshi Tanaka and Officer, the Project Leader for Education and Student and Affairs, Takeshi Yamada to KMU. Both universities’ brief introductions were followed by messages from Governor Tokihiro Nakamura of Ehime Prefecture, which positively pictured a broader sectors of collaborations, both in government and private institutions. The promotion of academic agreement for both universities, according to Governor Nakamura, was offering a ground for Ehime’s students for broader international viewpoints.
On the other hand, on behalf of KMU, President Liu expressed wishes to collaborate with Japan’s university to benchmark Japan’s long-term healthcare system. Taiwan showed the trend of developing into aging society. It is a must to learn from our partner the more mature and developed practice of long-term care for the aging populace. The spirit of humanities would be the developmental core and essence for agreeable health care that close to the need of the great populace. Tracing back the spirit of establishment, KMU set up a tiny gallery at the guest room in Office of the President, an oil painting depicting David Landsborough and his wife’s love and benevolence towards the patient. Deeply touched by the spirit of humanities of Dr. David Landsborough, the gallery of the renowned picture kept reminding KMU of the essence of training as a physician and medical specialists the devotional and sacrificing spirit for others.
Picture 1 上圖左:愛媛醫療技術大學校長(右)遞送紀念禮品予本校劉校長。Top left:EPU President Koji Hashimoto, right, presents souvenir to President LIU
Picture 2 上圖右: 團體留念,由左依序為:莊弘毅國際長、余幸司教授(前校長)、劉景寬校長、日方橋本公二校長、日方中西純子院長、日方事務局長田中仁志、日方教育和學生事務負責人山田毅 Group Photo with EPU delegation:Left to right: Dean, Hung-Yi Chuang, Professor Hsin-Su Yu(former Presient), President Ching-Kuan Liu, President Koji Hashimoto, Dean for Health Sciences, Professor Junko Nakanishi, Chief Executive Officer Hitoshi Tanaka, Officeer (Project Leader for Education and Student Affairs)
Picture 3 下方左圖為簽約後合影 Down left: Accomplishing Signing MoU and Agreement on June 6, 2018
Picture 4 下方右圖為余幸司教授介紹畫作寓意 Down right: Before sit-down talk, Professor Hsin-Su Yu described Dr. David Landsborough’s devotions to his career and patient