2024 Christmas Singing Competition Party
Even if you do not participate in the singing competition, you can still enjoy the Christmas meal (check the "Activity Attendee" option )❤️
🔔時間:113年12月18日 (三) 17:30-20:30
🔔地點:高雄醫學大學 國研大樓穿堂
Sing your heart out in the IR Building Concourse for prizes, and celebrate Christmas with delicious delicacies!
Christmas is coming, OGA warmly invites you to a specially curated Christmas Singing Competition Party ! The evening features various dishes, photo booth, fun games, raffle , and the highly anticipated singing competition. The prizes include dining vouchers for renowned restaurants, gift vouchers of convenience stores, and movie vouchers. Let’s spread joy and blessings through music, enjoy performances by campus clubs, and make this holiday season even more memorable and heartwarming!
We sincerely invite you to join us, indulge in gourmet delights, and showcase your singing talent! The event is entirely free. On December 18th, bring your friends and celebrate Christmas with us!
🔔Time:2024/12/18 (Wed.) 17:30-20:30
🔔Location:KMU IR Building Concourse
🔔Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLS
🎅 Good news:
Even if you do not participate in the singing competition, you can still enjoy the Christmas meal (check the "Activity Attendee" option )❤️
🎶聯絡人(Contact):(07)-312-1101#2851宋韋欣Miss Sung、2855李家齊Miss Lee、2861蔡易珈Miss Tsai
🎶主辦單位(Organizer): 高雄醫學大學國際事務處