高醫國際通 108182號
The National Tsinghua University will hold "Taiwan-India Relations and the Development of the Indian-Taiwan Regional Situation" on November 15, 2019 (Friday).
This event invited 14 scholars from Taiwan, India, Vietnam and Russia to publish essays and exchange ideas on the development of the Indian-Pacific region to provide a strategic plan for accelerating exchanges between Taiwan and India, promote mutually beneficial cooperation and maximize bilateral development.
本活動免費,即日起開放線上報名,報名資訊詳如本校印度中心網站(http://cis.web.nthu.edu.tw/files/14-196 4-165034,r6258-1.php?Lang=zh-tw ),敬請參考及協助推廣。
This event is free, and please find the online registration information and more details on the website link below,
http://cis.web.nthu.edu.tw/files/14-196 4-165034, r6258-1.php?Lang= Zh-tw
承辦人:張淑惠/Joy Chang
組 長:陳宜芳 助理教授
國際長:陳桂敏 教授
Tel:07-3121101 ext. 2862
E-mail: ibsjoy@kmu.edu.tw