主旨: [inform] 2017/03/25 Community Cultural Activity in Tainan/ 「臺灣社區巡禮體驗活動」在臺南
In order to give international students opportunities to learn more about the culture of Taiwan and become acquainted with Taiwanese lifestyle. We welcome you to join
2017 Community Cultural Activity inTainan on March 25Make friends for a lifetime and create wonderful memories in Taiwan! |
Have a host family in Taiwan and get an insight into Taiwanese lifestyle!
1. Location: Dagang Community, Tainan 台南大港社區
2. Date: March 25 (3/25) , 2017
3. Participant:
(1) Host families
(2) International students who currently study in Taiwan4. Fees: Free for all participants. (Participants have to afford the transportation cost to the meeting point. We only responsible for the round-trip transportation from meeting point to the community. )5. Meeting point: Tainan Railway Station, Front Exit (台南火車站前站)
1. Location: Dagang Community, Tainan 台南大港社區
2. Date: March 25 (3/25) , 2017
3. Participant:
(1) Host families
(2) International students who currently study in Taiwan4. Fees: Free for all participants. (Participants have to afford the transportation cost to the meeting point. We only responsible for the round-trip transportation from meeting point to the community. )5. Meeting point: Tainan Railway Station, Front Exit (台南火車站前站)
6. Gathering time: 11:15 AM 7. Register:Please click hereto register online.
(1) After completing online registration process, print out the registration form and complete the paper form, including the seals of school organizing personnel and unit division.
(2)Scan or photograph the paper form then send via email to hostfamily@mail.stust.edu.8. Deadline: March 13 (3/13), 2017
9. Contact Information:
Taiwan Hostfamily Program
許郁屏 Gianna Hsu
Tel: 06-2533131 #1603
E-mail: hostfamily@mail.stust.
(1) Please bring your water bottle, rain gear and sun care products.
(2) Remember to wear comfortable, casual clothes and shoes.
* Sponsor: Ministry of Education
* Organizer: Taiwan Hostfamily Program (Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology)
Time | Content of Activity |
11:15 | Gathering at Tainan Railway Station, Front Exit (台南火車站前站) |
11:35-11:55 | Leave for Dagan Community |
12:00-12:10 | Meet your host family |
12:10-13:10 | Lunch together |
13:20-15:20 | Community guided tours and get to know antique artifacts and traditional Chinese toys ; mugwort soap DIY |
15:30-16:20 | Share your one day activity experience with your host family |
16:30- | Leave for Tainan Railway Station |
為了使境外學生更深入了解臺灣社區文化,計畫辦公室於2017年 3月25日(六)臺南市大港社區舉辦單日的臺灣社區巡禮體驗活動 ─香巷草弄 綠意心生活,歡迎臺灣家庭免費參加,與境外學生走入大港社區, 參觀塭寮文物館、體驗古早味童玩、認識香草植物, 體驗香草植栽DIY,共同打造綠能生活, 也進一步體驗大港社區特色文化。
活動中將會媒合已培訓接待家庭與境外學生,透過活動相互了解, 搭建起友誼的橋樑。 若您並非本計畫之接待家庭, 但有意願加入接待活動,認識境外學生, 我們特別安排了上午的培訓課程, 了解接待須知後可立即參與本活動。
→境外學生(含港、澳、陸生)請至英文網站報名:http:// www.hostfamily.org.tw/en
*尚未培訓家庭需參與上午08:50開始的培訓課程, 方能參與本活動,請參閱附件"尚未培訓家庭簡章",未滿20歲之 參加者必須由父親或母親(至少一名)陪同參加才能核發證書。
1. 主辦單位有修改活動內容細節之權利。
2. 貴家庭是否媒合成功須等待作業結果,謝謝您對本計畫的熱心支持!
3. 若經媒合通知後無故取消多次,或於活動當日嚴重遲到者, 將取消參與本計畫之資格。
【活動內容】以下為未培訓家庭之活動內容, 已培訓民眾請參考附件簡章

組長:郭昶志 助理教授
承辦人:吳巧嵐 (分機2383#23)