





五、報名網址: https://reurl.cc/Oqoe8X



National Kaohsiung Normal University Scholarship for Student Educational Internship in Taiwan (2020-2021)

Serial number:109174
November 19, 2020

To enhance the English learning environment in Taiwan, National Kaohsiung Normal University is now inviting native or native-like English speaking university students or graduates (preferably with a TESL background), who are interested in Asian culture and willing to be educational interns using English or EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) at K1-K12 schools.

The goals of this program :

(1) Broaden the horizons of youths through cultural and language immersion experiences and cross-cultural communication.

(2) Establish international partnerships between various educational institutions.

Application period of internship: NOW~ Dec., 30th, 2021

Internship period:3 ~ 6 months, starting from 2021

Scholarship:NT$ 6,000 (approximately USD$ 210) per person/month.

Click here to apply.

Internship Content:

1. Assist with teaching English courses at educational institutions with English teaching needs for 8-16 hours per week
** Interns who have completed the internship with distinction will be recommended as full-time/part time English teachers, and the wage will be negotiable. **
2. Teaching observation and demonstration / Student counseling/ Classroom management/ Educational campaign promotion

NKNU will offer:
1. Language exchange and experience sharing with local students (buddies) for 4-6 hours per week.
2. Arranged home stay/dining experiences
3. Mandarin courses and cultural immersion activities, such as: Chinese Calligraphy and tea ceremony.

Important Notes: *Interns recruited by this program shall comply with all regulations in R. O. C.

**This program description contains Chinese and English version. Chinese version shall prevail if any discrepancies or ambiguity occur between the two versions.

If you have any question please contact with Naomi Yang.

Contact Information:

Contact Person: Naomi Yang
Email: teep_nknueng@mail.nknu.edu.tw
TEL: +8867-7172930 #3902


承辦人:阮多加 (分機2855)

