







國際長 鄭丞傑 教授

組長   高佳麟 副教授

承辦人許歆宜 敬上

分機   2383

Summer 2014 - Study of the U.S. Institutes Programs

The American Institute in Taiwan Public Diplomacy Section is pleased to invite candidates to apply for one of the Summer 2014 Study of the U.S. Institute programs. The Study of the U.S. Institutes are designed for mid-career university-level educators. Each institute will typically last six weeks and take place during various dates between late June and early August of 2014.

Interested applicants may also contact the American Center Office at (02) 2723-3959, ext. 224 for details. Applications may be sent by e-mail toapplication@mail.ait.org.tw

Please see the following for detailed program summaries.

Programs Overview

Name of Institute
(Click for Details, PDF Format) 



Application Deadline

A. Contemporary American Literature (PDF, 411KB)

Late June to early August, 2014**

To be Determined

January 11, 2014

B. Journalism and Media (PDF, 393KB)

Late June to early August, 2014**

Ohio University

January 11, 2014

C. Religious Pluralism in the United States (PDF, 396KB)

Late June to early August, 2014**

To be Determined

January 11, 2014

D. U.S. Culture and Society (PDF, 397KB)

Late June to early August, 2014**

New York University

January 11, 2014

E. U.S. Foreign Policy (PDF, 395KB)

Late June to early August, 2014**

Bard College in New York

January 11, 2014

F. U.S. Political Thought (PDF, 392KB)

Late June to early August, 2014**

To be Determined

January 11, 2014

G. Study of the U.S. Institute for Secondary Educators (PDF, 396KB)

Late June to early August, 2014**

1. University of Illinois
2. To be Determined
3. To be Determined

January 11, 2014