高醫國際通 105050


2016 Hello Taiwan Mobile Film Contest

Who can participate?

*            Any Indian in the age group of 18 years to 30 years (both including as on 01-01-2016)

*            A team of maximum 2 people (one member should be an Indian)

*            The participant (Indian) may be either residing in India or abroad     

**Please visit the Facebook page (https://goo.gl/RtDgaj) of the contest for detailed Terms & Conditions

How to participate?

*            1.5-2 minutes video shot in mobile or tablet having Taiwan Technology

*            ”Hello Taiwan” must be spoken by a person once at least in the video

*            Video should be on anyone of the topics: Genius in Life, Smart Technology, Green Earth, and Festivities


*            First Prize – Complementary trip to Taipei, Taiwan OR US$2,000 Cash Prize

*            Second Prize – Smartphones

*            Third Prize – Tablets

*            Organizer’s Choice Award also to be won

Please register yourself to be part of this contest and win very exciting prizes https://goo.gl/GqudA7

Please click "https://goo.gl/RtDgaj" for more information!!





承辦人:Angela Liao 廖映筑 (分機2383#23)

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