2020 EUTW FORUM II—The Current Development of the European Union and its Global Role
KMUOGA Announcement 109127
Date:August 19, 2020
Welcome to join“2020 EUTW FORUM II-- The Current Development of the European Union and its Global Role.”
Forum Information :
1. Time: 09:40-12:00am, Friday, August 21, 2020
2. Venue: Presentation Room, National Central Library (B1F)
(B1F, 20 Zhongshan S. Rd., Zhongzheng District, Taipei, Taiwan)
3. Registration: https://forms.gle/GyayQmkcswfDptBJ6
( I am sorry that there is only Chinese registration website provided by the organizer.)
承辦人:林妍吟/Alice Lin
組 長:陳宜芳 助理教授
國際長:陳桂敏 教授
Tel:07-3121101 ext. 2861
E-mail: alicelin@kmu.edu.tw