





二、經濟部國際貿易局函轉駐義大利代表處經濟組於本年516日拜會羅馬LUMSALibera Universita Maria Ss.Assunta)大學人文科學院院長兼企業管理教授GennaroIasevoli,洽談與我國大學合作之可行性。該校院長表示該校與產業界有多項研究合作計畫,多位教師來自業界知名企業,亦認同我國代表處經濟組所提加強雙方學生國際交流經驗之理念,爰對與我大學進行產學合作、交換學生研修計畫事甚感興趣,駐義大利代表處經濟組建議國內大專校院以簽署合作備忘錄(MOU)方式與該校合作。


Theme:  The Italian university, Libera Universita Maria Ss.Assunta, would like to cooperate with office of industry and university cooperation, KMU.  The detail is as follow.


(1)  According to the official document no.1057014288, the bureau of foreign trade on Jun. 4th.

(2)  According to the official document transferred by the bureau of foreign trade, the Ufficio di Rappresentanza di Taipei in Italia (URTI) had a courtesy visit with prof. GennaroIasevoli, dean of the college of humanity and social science, the Libera Universita Maria Ss.Assunta (LUMSA) They had a discussion about the collaboration with R.O.C. universities.  GennaroIasevoli said that LUMSA had several research cooperation projects with Taiwan’s industries.  Lots of teacher who came from famous industries also agreed the idea of enhancing students in international exchange experience because of interested in industry and university cooperation as well as exchange students projects.  The URTI suggested that R.O.C. universities could cooperate with LUMSA by signing the MOU.

(3)  If you would like to cooperate with LUMSA, please contact with secretary (陳昇裕), the Ufficio di Rappresentanza di Taipei in Italia. 

Tel:  +39-06-98262815

Email:  sychen2@moea.gov.tw



國際長:王秀紅  教授

組 長:張芳榮  教授


TEL    : (07)312-1101 ext.2383#12

Email  : alicelin@kmu.edu.tw

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