Congratulation! Years’ Communications with Keio University Led to Formal Collaborative Relations

On Nov. 2, 2015, great uplifting news spread out from KMU.  After years of substantial communications, Keio University and Kaohsiung Medical University finally came to the last stage of constructing formal collaborative partnership by signing Memorandum of Understanding.  Professor Masato Yasui (安井正人), Vice Dean for Research and International Collaboration, attended the ceremony on behalf of Keio University who expressed his great impression on KMU’s hospitality just as Makato Suematsu had put it on his courtesy visit of KMU’s 60th Anniversary.  In the opening remarks, President Ching-Kuan Liu extended his gratitude to the effort of Councilor Toshiharu Furukawa (谷川俊治) in Japan and Legislator Tien Lin Chao (趙天麟) in Taiwan, both of whom helped to bridge the universities and push the informal partnership to the final stage of formal contract.  All the heads of KMU attended the signing ceremony to witness the historical moment for both universities.  As Mr. Furukawa and Mr. Chao had put it on the ceremony that the MoU was a great opportunity to initiate more collaborative project on common interests and turn a new leaf for the substantial communications that had long been progressed.  With so many MoU constructed recently, KMU has commenced on substantial communications with newly contracted partner schools.  In the upcoming future, KMU would make her big step to align herself among the leading universities.

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(Left: President Ching-Kuan Liu and Professor Masato Yasui, delegate of Keio University)            

(Right: Group photo)            

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