The 2nd Conference of the Research and Education Center of Bridging Asian Mental Health and Psychiatry (2nd REBAMP)—Online Conference.
KMUOGA Announcement 109126
Date:August 19, 2020
Welcome to join“The 2nd Conference of the Research and Education Center of Bridging Asian Mental Health and Psychiatry (2nd REBAMP).” Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be held online. Please refer to the attachment for program details.
Conference Information:
1. Date: Friday August 21, 2020
2. Venue: College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
(138 Sheng-Li Rd., Tainan, Taiwan)
3. Registration:
4. Registration deadline: August 20, 2020
承辦人:林妍吟/Alice Lin
組 長:陳宜芳 助理教授
國際長:陳桂敏 教授
Tel:07-3121101 ext. 2861