本校KMU English Corner (KEC)職員工英語社團將在3月12日(星期二)中午,邀請印度台北協會楊丹杰副會長(Mr Dhananjay Singh Yadav),以「攜手前進的印度臺灣關係」(India and Taiwan A Growth Led Partnership)為題,以其與台灣觀察多年的心得,與大家分享這兩個蓬勃發展國家間的關係。邀請您一齊共襄盛舉!名連結:https://reurl.cc/L4o87K
The KMU English Corner (KEC), the university's staff English club run by the Office of Global Affairs, invites Mr Dhananjay Singh Yadav, Deputy Director General of the India Taipei Association (ITA), to speak on "India and Taiwan: A Growth Led Partnership." Drawing from his years of observation in Taiwan, he will share insights into the relationship between these two vibrant nations. Sign up: https://reurl.cc/L4o87K
TIME時間: From 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, Tuesday, March 12, 2024
VENUE地點: Audiovisual Center in LS Building 勵學3樓半視聽中心
TOPIC講題:  India and Taiwan: A Growth Led Partnership  攜手前進的印度臺灣關係
  1. This event is certified for 1 hour of staff education and training. 本活動申請職員教育訓練時數
  2. To respect the speaker and comply with the venue's regulations, meal vouchers will be distributed for this event. There are 60 vouchers distributed on-site until gone. 為尊重講者與遵守場地使用規範,本活動發行餐券,共60份,現場發完為止
LANGUAGE演講語言: English
CONTACT活動聯絡人: Ching 王之青 #2853
20240312 ITA DDG poster
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