
KMU OGA Announcement NO.108156


主旨:2019 ITVTI國際教育論壇-橋接新南向

說明 Detailed Information:

一、為促進與新南向國家間學術交流,以及落實新南向教育政策,靜宜大學擬訂於本(2019)1024(星期四)於靜宜大學圖書館蓋夏廳舉辦「2019 ITVTI國際教育論壇-橋接新南向」

2019 India, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan and Indonesia (ITVTI) International Education Symposium Bridge to New South Bound 

Date: Thursday, October 24th 2019

Venue: Gratia Hall of Library , Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan


The topic of this forum: Study Abroad Trend and Development for Asian Student

For forum agenda, list of speakers, registration form and detailed information, please see attached files below.


Registration Fee: NT$ 1000 (with lunch and dinner)

四、活動簡章詳如附件,歡迎有意參加師長,於104(星期五)前填妥附件報名表及完成繳費後Email至靜宜大學承辦人:國際暨兩岸事務處新南向專案助理詹于萱小姐 (yhchan1995@gm.pu.edu.tw)或國際暨兩岸事務處教學卓越計畫專案助理許博偉先生(william814@gm.pu.edu.tw)

Registration Deadline: Friday, October 4th, 2019

Registration process: pay your fee, fill out the registration form and send to Ms. Chan (Emailyhchan1995@pu.edu.tw) or Mr. Hsu (Emailwilliam814@pu.edu.tw)


Contact Information:

Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs

Ms. Chan



Mr. Hsu


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