
主旨:轉知教育部函轉外交部邀請國內學術單位向世界貿易組織申請「WTO講座計畫」(Call for applications _ WTO Chairs Programme)。





Call for applications _WTO Chairs Programme

The WTO Chairs Programme

Launched in 2010 as a capacity-building programme, the WTO Chairs Programme (WCP) aims at enhancing knowledge and understanding of the multilateral trading system among academics and policy makers in beneficiary countries. It promotes and supports trade-related academic activities at universities and research institutions. The WTO provides financial, scientific and technical support to its partners with respect to research, curriculum development and outreach activities.

The WTO is now pleased to announce the launch of the phase III of the WTO Chairs Programme. Up to 21 academic institutions will be selected to participate in this four year cycle starting at the beginning of 2021. The application deadline is 15 January 2021.  Academic institutions established in developing and least-developed countries as well as acceding and recently acceded countries which are members or observers of the WTO are welcome to apply. The programme will be implemented through partnership agreements between the WTO Secretariat and the selected institutions.

Step 1: Expressing your interest

Start the application process by submitting the "Expression of Interest" form below at your earliest convenience.

Step 2: Completing the application

Complete the application form and annexes thereto by the deadline of 15 January 2021.

Please download and read the following documents before applying:


Email: wtochairs.enquiries@wto.org

國際事務處 企劃發展組

承辦人  許歆宜Lily #2852

組     蔡婉琪 副教授

國際長  陳桂敏 教授

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