


Welcome to Apply: International Cultural Event Sponsorship




1.          申請條件:(1)活動需由本校外國學生主辦;(2)活動需與其母國重大節慶相關或包含其傳統文化元素(飲食、才藝表演等等)(3)臺灣師生佔參與人數10%以上。(4)活動需於108228日至630日間舉辦。

2.          申請方式:填妥申請表並於108215日下午兩點前送至國際事務處。

3.          補助內容:膳食費(每人80元,活動時間須包含中午12:30或晚上18:30)、印刷費(包含海報、手冊等各式文宣印製費用),每場活動至多補助20,000元。

4.          審核流程:申請案件經本處審核,補助金額及項目等審查結果,將於108227日前公布。

5.          核銷流程:活動費用須由申請人先行墊付,於活動結束後14天內(含假日),檢附核銷清單與成果報告書繳交至國際事務處。發票或收據需具備抬頭「高雄醫學大學」、統編76001900」且不可塗改。

6.         其他:若取消或變更活動,應於變更後兩日內通知國際事務處





International Cultural Event Sponsorship

In order to encourage international students to hold an event which related to foreign culture, Office of Global Affairs provide this Sponsorship specially.

1.          Conditions of Application: (1) The organizer must be degree international student in KMU. (2) The event must be related to festivals of applicant’s home country or include traditional cultural elements (meal, talent show, etc.) (3) Number of Taiwanese faculty and students must over 10% of Participants. (4) The date of event must be held between 28th Feb and 30th June, 2019.

2.          How to apply: Complete the application form and submit it to Global Affairs Office by 2pm of 15th Feb, 2019

3.          Amount of Sponsorship: Meal Fee (NTD 80 per person, time of event MUST include pm12:30 or pm18:30), Printing Fee (including print posters, manuals, etc.), sponsorship up to NTD 20,000 each event.

4.          Review Process: Applications will be reviewed by Global Affairs Office, and the results will be announced before 27th Feb, 2019.

5.          Write-off Process: Cost of event should be paid by applicant first, and submit List of Write Off and Report of Event to Global Affairs Office within 14 days (including holidays) after event. The letterhead of invoice or receipt must be "高雄醫學大學", tax ID number must be "76001900" and cannot be altered.

6.          Others: Once cancel or change details of the event, you should notify Global Affairs Office within 2 days.


Notice: 2019/1/30 extend the deadline of application.





承辦人:吳巧嵐 (分機2383#23)

組長:郭昶志 副教授 

國際長:陳桂敏 教授



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