國際通 108005





1.      資格:具備外國籍、博士學位、49歲以下、可用英語或日語進行研究之優秀研究者。

2.      研究領域:不限制申請者之研究領域,惟以自然科學、工程學、醫學為優先。

3.      在日研究機關:日本國內大專校院之研究室、國立研究所及各企業研究所等,需自行取得研究單位之同意函。

4.      獎助金內容:在日生活費每月22萬日圓、保險費、旅費(所在國家至東京來回機票)、抵日安置費用12萬日圓。

5.      補助期間:3個月至6個月。

6.      預定名額:20(世界各國)

7.      報名方式:備妥相關申請文件於2019(108)731日前以郵寄方式寄達該財團。


Research Fellowship Program 2020 announcement

1.     Invitation Period: 3~6 months, between April 2020 and March 2021

2.     Deadline for submitting the application documents: 17:00 on July 31, 2019(Japan standard time)

3.     Eligibility Requirements:

*Applicants must obtain a letter of invitation from host institutions in Japan.

*Applicants must hold a PH.D (Doctorate) degree, or be recognized by MIF as possessing equivalent academic qualifications.

*Applicants must be at the age of 49 years old younger at the time when documents are submitted.

*Applicants must have sufficient abilities in the English or Japanese languages.

*Applicants should not have past or current experiences of staying in Japan(Except for short-term stay. E.g. Sightseeing conferences)

*Applicants should be in employment in their home countries, and must return to their countries upon completion of their MIF fellowship tenure.

4. The information link: http://www.mif-japan.org/fellowship/announcement/?hl=en, the contact email: contact@mif-japan.org




承辦人  陳綺霞(2383*33)  敬上

    長 蔡婉琪副教授

國際長  陳桂敏教授

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