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Human sense of smell is faster than previously thought, new study suggests


Human sense of smell is faster than previously thought, new study suggests

In a single sniff, the human sense of smell can distinguish odors within a fraction of a second, working at a level of sensitivity that is “on par” with how our brains perceive color, “refuting the widely held belief that olfaction is our slow sense,” a new study finds. Humans also can discern between various sequences of odors – distinguishing a sequence of “A” before “B” from sequence “B” before “A” – when the interval between odorant A and odorant B is merely 60 milliseconds, according to the study, published Monday in the journal Nature Human Behaviour. Dr. Dmitry Rinberg, a professor in the Department of Neuroscience and Physiology at NYU Langone Health in New York, wrote in an editorial accompanying the study in Nature Human Behaviour. “The timing of individual notes in music is essential for conveying meaning and beauty in a melody, and the human ear is very sensitive to this. However, temporal sensitivity is not limited to hearing: our sense of smell can also perceive small temporal changes in odour presentations,” he wrote. “Similar to how timing affects the perception of notes in a melody, the timing of individual components in a complex odour mixture that reaches the nose may be crucial for our perception of the olfactory world.”

---from CNN

一項新研究發現,每一次的吸嗅行為,人類能在幾分之一秒內區分氣味,其敏感程度與我們大腦感知顏色的能力「相當」,這研究推翻了現今普遍對嗅覺是我們反應最慢的感官的認知。 研究指出,人類也能區分出不同氣味順序——亦即我們能辨別氣味「A」是先於「B」還是「B」先於「A」。即便氣味AB間的間隔僅僅只有60毫秒。該研究於週一發表在《自然人類行為》(Nature Human Behaviour)期刊上。 紐約大學朗格尼健康中心(NYU Langone Health)神經科學與生理學系教授Dr. Dmitry Rinberg在《自然人類行為》中這樣寫道: 「在音樂世界裡,個別音符的時間安插對於傳達旋律的意義和美感至關重要,而人類耳朵對這些時間變化非常敏感。然而,時間敏感性並不限定於聽覺;我們的嗅覺也能在短時間內感知氣味中的微小變化,」他描述道:「類似於時間間隔如何影響我們對音符的感知,同樣地,在進入鼻腔的複雜氣味混合物裡,每種成分進入的時間順序對我們進一步理解嗅覺世界來說,可能非常重要。」


Coca-Cola recalled thousands of cases of lemonade mislabeled as ‘zero sugar’


Coca-Cola recalled thousands of cases of lemonade mislabeled as ‘zero sugar’

Coca-Cola has recalled more than 13,000 cases of Minute Maid Zero Sugar Lemonade because the mislabeled cartons actually contained the full-sugar version of the drink, according to a report from the US Food and Drug Administration. The FDA considers this a class II recall, involving a “health hazard situation where there is a remote probability of adverse health.” “No impacted product remains in the market, and all recall activities in those markets are complete,” Coca-Cola told CNN in a statement. According to the FDA, the event is considered ongoing.

---from CNN

可口可樂公司已緊急回收超過13,000箱Minute Maid無糖檸檬水,因為根據美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)的報告,這些飲料實際上是貼上錯誤標籤的全糖版本。 FDA將此次事件列為第二類召回,涉及「存在健康危害情況,但發生不良健康影響的可能性較低」。 可口可樂公司在一份給CNN的聲明中表示:「市場上已無受影響的產品,並且已完成市場上的所有回收活動。」 但根據FDA的說法,該事件仍未完結。


Mysterious ‘doorway’ discovered in Antarctic ice via Google Maps — and conspiracy theorists have wild ideas

通過 Google Maps發現了南極冰層的神秘大門——開啟了陰謀論者們的瘋狂想像

Mysterious ‘doorway’ discovered in Antarctic ice via Google Maps — and conspiracy theorists have wild ideas

Google Maps is a place of great discovery — and the latest sighting may be one of the oddest yet. In East Antarctica, just southeast of Japanese research outpost Showa Station, eagle-eyed users spotted a mysterious “doorway,” which has become the topic of wild theories online, with some speculating that it’s Bigfoot’s vacation home or a marooned shuttle craft from “Star Trek.” One Reddit user who noticed the ominous structure at the coordinates 69°00’50″S 39°36’22″E simply asked, “Massive door in Antarctica?” “What would we do without the conspiracy theorists?” John Smellie, a professor and volcanologist at the University of Leicester, joked to the Daily Mail regarding the many suggestions offered. But scientists have revealed what they believe the structure really is — and it’s not nearly as exciting as any Reddit theses. After looking at the coordinates on Google Earth Pro and seeing historical imagery, Bethan Davies, a professor of glaciology at the University of Newcastle, told the publication that the mysterious doorway “is in an area of fast sea ice … just offshore of the coast” that is littered with “a series of islands” where shallow water exists. “This is an iceberg that became grounded and is now stuck and melting out,” Davies explained.

---from New York Post

Google Maps 裡充滿了偉大的發現,目前的最新發現也許是迄今為止最怪異的一個。 在南極的東部,日本昭和基地東南方,一些眼尖的Google用戶發現了一個神秘的門。這個發現立刻成為網上各種瘋狂理論的熱門話題,有人猜測這是大腳怪的度假屋,或是《星際迷航》中的擱淺太空船。 一名Reddit用戶發現了這個位於坐標 69°00'50"S 39°36'22"E 之上令人不安的結構,他簡單地問道:「這是南極的大門?」 「沒有陰謀論者我們該怎麼辦?」萊斯特大學的教授兼火山學家John Smellie在接受《每日郵報》採訪時,幽默的回應這些瘋狂的猜測。 然而,科學家揭示了這個結構的真正身份——結果並不像Reddit上的論點那麼令人振奮。 在使用Google Earth Pro檢查坐標並查看歷史圖像後,紐卡斯爾大學的冰川學教授Bethan Davies告訴媒體,這個神秘的「門」位於一片浮冰區,這片浮冰區位於海岸附近,被「一系列島嶼」包圍,且水深很淺。 「這是一塊擱淺的冰山,現在被卡住並正在原地融化,」Davies解釋道。

---摘錄翻譯自New York Post

Secret tomb found under ‘Indiana Jones’ filming location in Petra


Secret tomb found under ‘Indiana Jones’ filming location in Petra

At the heart of the ancient city of Petra, Jordan, carved into pink sandstone cliffs, lies an elaborate monument known as the Khaznah, or the Treasury. And buried beneath that edifice, archaeologists recently discovered, is a tomb with at least 12 human skeletons and artifacts that are estimated to be at least 2,000 years old. Petra was voted as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in the 2000s for its unique architecture and the many mysteries that still surround the city. While experts have debated the Treasury’s purpose for centuries, the most popular theory is that the monument serves as a mausoleum, although no skeletal remains have been found within the building itself, Gates said. The Treasury receives hundreds of thousands of tourists a year, and it has also been featured in several movies, most prominently as the site of the Holy Grail in the 1989 film “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.” Among the artifacts were several vessels, with one skeleton found clutching a ceramic chalice that resembled the shape of the Holy Grail. “It really was this awesome moment of history imitating art,” Gates said.

---from CNN

在約旦古城佩特拉的中心,雕刻在粉紅色砂岩懸崖中的精美紀念碑被稱為「Khaznah」或是「財富神殿」。最近考古學家在這座建築下方發現了一座古墓,墓中至少有12具人類骨骼和一些文物。估計已有至少2,000年的歷史。 佩特拉在2000年代被選為新世界七大奇蹟之一,因其獨特的城市建築風格和內部許多尚未解開的謎團。Gates說:「儘管專家們對財富神殿的用途爭論了幾世紀,但最流行的理論認為這紀念碑是一座陵墓,即便在建築物內部並未發現任何骨骸。」 每年有多達數十萬遊客造訪財富神殿,它也曾出現在多部電影中,其中最著名的是1989年的《聖戰奇兵》,它在該電影中為埋藏聖杯的遺址。 在這次發掘出的文物中有幾個容器,其中一具骨骸緊握著一個形狀類似聖杯的陶瓷酒杯。Gates說:「這真是歷史模仿藝術的偉大時刻。」


Scientists create first 3D-printed food for people with swallowing difficulties: ‘Palatable and rich in calories’

科學家為吞嚥困難的人打造出史上首個 3D 列印食物:既可口且富含熱量

Scientists create first 3D-printed food for people with swallowing difficulties: ‘Palatable and rich in calories’

Scientists at a British university have become the first make to 3D printed food — for people with swallowing difficulties. Academics led by UWE Bristol have used an extrusion-based 3D food printer to produce meals which are safe to chew, swallow and digest. Meals produced for the research led by Alexandros Stratakos were developed alongside clinical nutritionists to ensure they were complete, multi-ingredient, nutrient-rich dishes suitable for people with dysphagia. They were made using pureed garden peas, strained Greek yogurt, extra virgin olive oil, powdered organic mint leaves and vegetable stock. To make the food, the researchers added ingredients to cartridges which are placed inside the 3D printer. When the machine is switched on, the ingredients are extruded as ‘ink’ through nozzles onto a plate. Layers of ‘ink’ are deposited on the surface of the plate in a pre-programmed shape, then multiple layers are added to build a three dimensional object. Meals can be produced quickly — approximately 20 minutes — and printed in a variety of attractive patterns and shapes.

---from New York Post

英國一所大學的科學家團隊做出了世界上首批3D列印的食物——專門給吞嚥困難者食用。 由西英格蘭大學(UWE Bristol)帶領的學者們使用了基於擠壓技術的3D食物列印機,製作了安全、易於咀嚼、易於吞嚥與消化的餐點。 由Alexandros Stratakos領導的研究團隊與臨床營養師們合作,開發了這些餐點,以確保它們的完整、營養成分豐富的菜餚,並適合供給有吞嚥障礙的人。 這些餐點的製作材料包括泥狀的花園豌豆、過濾過的希臘酸奶、特級初榨橄欖油、有機薄荷葉粉末與蔬菜高湯。為了製作這些食物,研究人員將各種成分加入到卡匣中,再將其放入3D列印機裡。 當機器開啟時,這些成分會以「墨水」的形式,通過噴嘴擠到盤子上。 「墨水」層會按照預設形狀沉積在盤子表面,接著更多層的「墨水」加入,建構成實際的三維物體。 餐點製作速度相當快——大約20分鐘——甚至可以列印成各種吸引人的圖案與形狀。

---摘錄翻譯自New York Post

Scientists make surprise discovery of life in the seafloor’s ‘underworld’


Scientists make surprise discovery of life in the seafloor’s ‘underworld’

Researchers made the astonishing discovery during a 30-day expedition aboard the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s research vessel “Falkor (too)” to explore an undersea volcano off Central America that’s part of the East Pacific Rise. A volcanically active ridge, the extensive rise occurs where two tectonic plates meet on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. Located along the ridge are hydrothermal vents, or openings in the seafloor where seawater and hot magma from beneath Earth’s crust come together to create a type of underwater hot spring. A variety of sea life clusters around the vents, which belch out elements that help bacteria, mussels, tube worms and other animals survive at extreme ocean depths. The vent ecosystem has been studied in-depth, but areas beneath the vents have largely remained out of reach. While the team first observed the subseafloor ecosystem in the summer of 2023, the research describing the environment and its animals published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications. Next, the team wants to determine whether life exists beneath all deep-sea hydrothermal vents as well as how far the caves extend horizontally and vertically, Gollner said.

---from CNN

研究人員在施密特海洋研究所的研究船「Falkor (too)」上進行了一次為期30天的探險,探索中美洲外海的海底火山。該火山為東太平洋隆起的一部分。 這是一條火山活躍的山脊,位於太平洋海底兩塊板塊的交界處。山脊上分布著熱液噴口。這些海底裂縫是海水和地殼下方熔岩相遇的地方,並形成了一種水下「熱泉」。 各種海洋生物聚集在這些噴口周圍,噴口排出的物質幫助細菌、貽貝、管蟲和其他動物在極端深海裡生存。雖然噴口生態系統已被研究透徹,但是噴口下方的區域仍無法觸及。 研究團隊首次於2023年夏季觀察到這個海床下的生態系統,至於相關環境及動物的研究成果於本週二發表在《Nature Communications》期刊上。 Gollner表示,接下來,研究團隊希望再確定,是否所有深海熱液噴口下方都存在生命,以及這些洞穴水平和垂直的延伸範圍。


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