One dead in multistate E. coli outbreak tied to McDonald’s Quarter Pounders, CDC says
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a food safety alert Tuesday regarding an E. coli outbreak that it says is linked with McDonald’s Quarter Pounders. At least 49 illnesses have been reported across 10 states, including one death of an older person. Most of the people who became ill reported eating McDonald’s Quarter Pounder sandwiches, the CDC says. The agency says that the investigation is “fast-moving” and that information reviewed by the US Food and Drug Administration shows that slivered onions are a likely source of contamination. People with E. coli infections may have symptoms including severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, fever and vomiting. Symptoms of infection usually begin three or four days after swallowing the bacteria. Although most people who become ill recover without treatment within a week, others can develop serious kidney problems and require hospitalization.
---from CNN
美國疾病控制與預防中心(CDC)週二發布了一項有關食品安全的警告,指出目前爆發的大腸桿菌(E. coli)疫情與麥當勞的四盎司牛肉漢堡有關。 目前,境內10個州報告了至少49例病例,其中包括1名老人死亡。 根據CDC的說法,大部分感染者在發病前曾食用過麥當勞的四盎司牛肉漢堡。機構表示,調查正在「迅速進行當中」,根據FDA的調查,推測污染源可能來自切片洋蔥。 感染大腸桿菌的人可能會出現嚴重腹痛、腹瀉、發燒與嘔吐等症狀。這些症狀通常會在食入細菌三到四天內出現。儘管多數感染者無需治療也可在一週內康復,但也有可能發展成嚴重腎臟問題,並需要接受住院治療。
Americans consume nearly 80 pounds of sugar a year, survey reveals
According to a recent study, the average American consumes over 36,000 grams of sugar per year. The poll of 2,000 Americans found that the average person ingests 99 grams of sugar per day, which is more sugar than what’s in two 12-ounce cans of soda. Over the span of a year, that totals to nearly 80 pounds of sugar. “The study revealed that, on a regular day, the average respondent consumes more than twice the amount of sugar recommended by the American Heart Association and significantly less water than is recommended by the U.S. National Academy of Medicine,” said Amy Calhoun Robb, chief marketing officer at Hint Water. “And while it’s important to showcase how much room we have for improvement, it’s also important to understand why this is the case.” “Whether you just want a post-meal treat or need a boost during your work day, you might find yourself relying more on sugar than you think you do. And from there, it can be easy to lose focus on your health goals, including healthy hydration,” said Calhoun Robb. Fortunately, you don’t have to sacrifice your health goals and settle for bland options. It is possible to enjoy delicious-tasting foods and drinks without sugar or guilt, it simply takes a bit of intentionality and finding brands and products that prioritize your health as much as you do.”
---from New York Post
根據一項最新的研究,美國人每年平均消耗超過36,000公克的糖。 這項針對2,000名美國人的調查發現,平均每人每天攝取99克糖,這比兩罐12盎司的汽水中含有的糖份還多。若以一年計算,這相當於接近80磅的糖。 Hint Water公司的行銷長Amy Calhoun Robb說:「研究表示,普通的一天內,受訪者攝取糖分的量是美國心臟協會建議量的兩倍以上,且他們喝的水遠遠少於美國國家醫學院建議的量。儘管展示出我們還有多大的改進空間很重要,但了解這些現象背後的原因可能更重要。」 Calhoun Robb說:「無論是飯後想吃甜點,還是工作所需的提神,你也許會發現自己依賴糖的程度遠超乎想像。從這裡開始,健康目標(包括水分的攝取)很容易被忽略。不過幸運的是,你不必犧牲自己的健康,也不必特別選擇清淡的飲食。享受美味的無糖食物和飲品其實是可行的,只需一點點有意識的選擇,並找到那些和你一樣注重健康的品牌與產品。」
---摘錄翻譯自New York Post
Polish police investigating after treasure trove of Bronze Age artifacts mysteriously surfaces
Police in Poland have launched an investigation after a collection of more than 100 Bronze Age artifacts surfaced unexpectedly in the northwest of the country. The discovery came to light when photos of the artifacts, including weapons, bronze spearheads, necklaces and shield bosses, were shared with the Provincial Heritage Protection Office in the city of Szczecin, according to a statement from the West Pomeranian Police, published Friday. “The treasure was acquired through illegal searches and was then excavated, which caused it to completely lose its archaeological context,” the police said, adding that this makes radiocarbon dating impossible. “This is one of the largest treasures found in Poland in recent years,” they said. Those responsible face up to eight years in prison, according to the statement.
---from CNN
超過100件的一批青銅時代文物在波蘭西北部意外現身,波蘭警方已介入調查。 根據西波美拉尼亞省警察週五發布的聲明,這批文物的發現始於幾張被傳送給Szczecin省級文物保護辦公室的照片,包含了武器、青銅矛頭、項鍊、盾牌等文物。 警方表示:「這批寶藏是通過非法搜索獲得的,隨後被挖出來。這使得該寶藏完全失去了其考古價值」,他們補充說:「這使得放射性碳定年法的應用變得不可行。」 警方聲稱:「這是近年在波蘭所發現最大的寶藏之一。」 根據該聲明,此舉的主使人將可能面臨最高8年的監禁。
Super-thin skyscraper, just one apartment wide, planned for Dubai
A super-narrow skyscraper, measuring no more than a single apartment across, is being planned for Dubai. The Muraba Veil will reach 1,247 feet into the sky but will be just about 74 feet across, according to details revealed by the architects and developer behind the project. The 73-story tower will feature 131 apartments with between two and five bedrooms each, according to a statement sent to CNN by the project’s United Arab Emirates-based developer, Muraba. The high-end apartment block will feature “a range of curated leisure amenities,” including a spa, restaurant, gallery, padel court and private movie theater, it said. Dubai currently has more towers measuring over 300 meters (984 feet) than any other city in the world, according to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. The city is no stranger to superlative structures. It boasts the world’s highest infinity pool, the world’s largest natural flower garden, and the world’s largest picture frame, to name a few.
---from CNN
杜拜正計劃興建一座超窄摩天大樓,寬度大小僅能容納一間公寓。 根據這項專案的建築師和開發商透露的細節,這座名為Muraba Veil的大樓將高達380公尺,但寬度只有約22.5公尺。該73層的塔樓將擁有131戶,每戶有兩至五間臥室。來自該專案的開發商——來自阿拉伯聯合大公國的Muraba公司提供給CNN的聲明,這座摩天住宅大樓將提供「一系列精心設計的休閒設施」,包括水療中心、餐廳、畫廊、板球場和私人電影院。 高層建築與都市人居委員會的資料表明,杜拜目前擁有超過300公尺高樓的數量比全球任何一座城市還要多。 杜拜對擁有「世界之最」的建築並不陌生,這座城市還有擁有全球最高的無邊際泳池、全球最大的天然花園,以及全球最大畫框等等的知名建築。
AI ‘tongue’ can ‘taste’ the difference between Coke and Pepsi, Penn State researchers reveal
Scientists have created an electronic “tongue” they say uses AI to differentiate between the sodas Coke and Pepsi — with the potential to detect the chemical makeup of and the differences between liquids beyond human abilities. The “tongue” was developed using graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms in a honeycomb pattern, that is connected to an AI neural network. The device’s sensors can detect various liquid compositions — and can differentiate between types of Coke and Pepsi, such as diet versus regular — as well as diluted milk, coffee blends and fruit juices. The researchers claim 80% overall accuracy in the tongue’s findings; with fruit juice specifically, it can identify the type with 98% accuracy — and even pinpoint the fruit’s age 99% of the time. The findings indicate that the creation could determine a product’s freshness and confirm whether risky contaminants are present in food.
---from New York Post
科學家們研發出了一種電子「舌頭」。這項技術運用了AI,可以區分可口可樂與百事可樂——並且具有超越人類的能力來檢測液體的化學成分及差異。 這款「舌頭」是利用石墨烯(一層蜂巢狀排列的碳原子)製成的,並與AI神經元連接。該設備的感應器可以檢測各種液體的成分——甚至能夠區分出不同版本的可口可樂與百事可樂,例如零卡版與普通版,以及區分出稀釋牛奶、咖啡混合飲品和果汁。 研究人員宣稱,該「舌頭」的準確度達到80%;在果汁的檢測上,它能以98%的準確度識別果汁的種類,甚至能在99%的情況下判斷水果的成熟度。 這些發現表明,這項發明能判斷產品的新鮮度,並確認食物中是否存在危險污染物。
---摘錄翻譯自New York Post
Lost Silk Road cities mapped using remote sensing
Lost for centuries, two cities lay buried, nearly 5 kilometers (3 miles) apart, underneath grassy pastures in the mountains of Uzbekistan. Now, archaeologists for the first time have mapped these intriguing highland strongholds in the country’s southeast — once a key crossroad of ancient silk trade routes — that were inexplicably abandoned. Using drone-borne LiDAR — light detection and ranging equipment — that can find structures obscured by vegetation, researchers captured images revealing two unexpectedly large-scale urban settlements dotted with watchtowers, fortresses, complex buildings, plazas and pathways that tens of thousands of people may have called home. The team mapped the two cities in 2022, making 22 flights with a drone equipped with LiDAR. The endeavor marked the first time researchers have used the technology in the region, according to the study. A LiDAR sensor tracks the amount of time each laser pulse takes to return and uses that information to create a three-dimensional map of the environment below. The technique has revolutionized the study of human history and culture and been particularly useful in discovering archaeological sites in the Amazon rainforest and Maya sites in Central America.
---from CNN
失落了好幾世紀的兩座古城,埋藏在烏茲別克斯坦的山脈草原下,相距不到5公里。現今考古學家首次繪製了這些位於該國東南部高地的要塞地圖,這些地點曾是古代絲路重要的十字路口,但後來不知為何遭遺棄。 考古學家們使用了搭載LiDAR(光探測與測距設備)的無人機,捕捉了被植被遮蔽的結構圖像,顯示出兩座規模意外龐大的城市,遍佈瞭望塔、堡壘、複雜的建築、廣場和道路,推測可能曾經有數萬人生活於此。 該團隊於2022年使用搭載LiDAR的無人機進行了22次飛行,繪製了這兩座城市的地圖。根據這項研究,這是考古人員首次在該地區使用這項特殊技術。 LiDAR感測器會追踪每個激光脈衝返回的時間,並利用這些信息創建該地形的三維樣貌。這一項技術已徹底改變了人類歷史與文化的研究,尤其是對於亞馬遜雨林和中美洲馬雅遺址的考古地點非常有用。