Introducing peanut butter during infancy can help protect against a peanut allergy later on, new study finds
Compared with avoiding peanuts, starting peanut consumption in infancy – as early as around 4 months of age, as a soft pureed paste, for instance – and continuing regularly to around 5 years old was associated with a 71% reduced rate of peanut allergy among adolescents in the United Kingdom, according to a study published Tuesday in the journal NEJM Evidence. “I was not entirely surprised because infants in Israel are exposed to peanuts very early and allergy does not appear to emerge in adolescence or adults. This suggests the protection is long-term,” Gideon Lack, professor of pediatric allergy at King’s College London and an author of the study, said in an email. “Peanut allergy develops very early in most children between six and 12 months of life. If you want to prevent a disease this needs to be done before the disease develops,” Lack said of exposing children to peanuts. “This biological phenomenon is based on an immunological principle known as oral tolerance induction. We have known for many decades that young mice or other experimental animals who are fed foods such as egg or milk or peanut cannot develop these allergies later.” The finding that early peanut introduction induces tolerance has been supported by previous studies too, but introducing your child to peanuts should be a shared decision with your pediatrician, according to Dr. Daniel DiGiacomo, a pediatric immunologist at K. Hovnanian Children’s Hospital at Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune, New Jersey, who was not involved in the new study.
----from CNN
根據週二發表在《NEJM Evidence》雜誌上的一項英國的研究,與避免吃花生相比,從嬰兒期開始食用花生(例如,早在 4 個月大時,以軟泥狀的形式食用)並定期持續到 5 歲左右,可使青少年花生過敏率降低 71%。 「我並不完全感到驚訝,因為以色列的嬰兒很早就接觸花生,而且過敏似乎不會在青春期或成年人中出現。這表明這種保護是長期的,」King’s College London兒科過敏學教授、該研究的作者Gideon Lack在一封電子郵件中說道。 「大多數兒童在 6 至 12 個月大時就會出現花生過敏。如果你想預防疾病,就需要在疾病發生之前就做到這一點,」Lack在談到讓孩子提早接觸花生之議題時說道。 「這種生物現像是基於稱為口服耐受誘導的免疫學原理。幾十年來我們就知道,餵食雞蛋、牛奶或花生等食物的幼鼠或其他實驗動物以後不會出現這些過敏症。 New Jersey的 K. Hovnanian 兒童醫院的兒科免疫學家Daniel DiGiacomo 博士表示,早期引入花生會誘發耐受性的發現也得到了先前研究的支持,但向您的孩子引入花生應該是與您的兒科醫生共同決定的。
Florida allows doctors to perform C-sections outside of hospitals
Florida has become the first state to allow doctors to perform cesarean sections outside of hospitals, siding with a private equity-owned physicians group that says the change will lower costs and give pregnant women the homier birthing atmosphere that many desire. But the hospital industry and the nation’s leading obstetricians’ association say that even though some Florida hospitals have closed their maternity wards in recent years, performing C-sections in doctor-run clinics will increase the risks for women and babies when complications arise. This spring, a law was enacted allowing “advanced birth centers,” where physicians can deliver babies vaginally or by C-section to women deemed at low risk of complications. Women would be able to stay overnight at the clinics. No other state allows C-sections outside of hospitals. The only facility that offers similar care is a birth clinic in Wichita, Kansas, which is connected by a short walkway to a hospital, Wesley Medical Center. The clinic provides “hotel-like” maternity suites where staffers deliver about 100 babies a month, compared with 500 per month in the hospital itself. Morgan Tracy, a maternity nurse navigator at the center, said the concept works largely because the hospital and birthing suites can share staff and pharmacy access, plus patients can be quickly transferred to the main hospital if complications arise.
---from CNN
Florida state成為第一個允許醫生在醫院外進行剖腹產手術的州,該州與一個私募股權的醫生團體一起讓這夢想成真。該團體表示,這一變化將降低成本,並為孕婦提供許多人渴望的更溫馨的分娩氛圍。 但醫院業和美國領頭的產科醫生協會表示,儘管Florida state的一些醫院近年來關閉了產科病房,但在醫生經營的診所進行剖腹產會增加婦女和嬰兒出現併發症時的風險。 今年春天,頒布了一項法律,允許設立“高級分娩中心”,醫生可以透過陰道分娩或剖腹產給被認為併發症風險較低的婦女分娩。婦女可以在診所過夜。 沒有其他州允許在醫院外進行剖腹產。唯一提供類似護理的機構是位於Wichita,Kansas的一家分娩診所,該診所透過一條很短的走道與一家醫院Wesley醫療中心相連。 該診所提供「飯店式」產房,工作人員每月接生約 100 名嬰兒,而醫院本身每月接生 500 名嬰兒。 該中心的產科護理員Morgan Tracy表示,這個概念之所以有效,很大程度上是因為醫院和產房可以共享工作人員和藥局通道,而且如果出現併發症,患者可以快速轉移到主要醫院。
These are the world’s 20 best cities for foodies, according to Time Out
《Time Out》雜誌選出全球 20 個最適合美食家的城市
Some travelers pick a city break based on the destination’s cultural offerings – shortlisting the best museums and galleries to visit. Others eye up cities with buzzy nightlife or opt for a destination hosting a festival or event. But for many vacationers, the most exciting part of any trip is the food. These are the travelers that wake up on the first day of the trip excited for all the culinary delights awaiting them: from sprawling markets offering local delicacies, to late-night street food, to independent restaurants serving distinctive dishes you won’t forget any time soon. It’s these gourmand travelers Time Out had in mind when the global media organization put together a new ranking of the world’s best foodie cities. “Food is everything when traveling,” Grace Beard, Time Out’s travel editor told CNN Travel. “A good (or bad) meal can make or break a trip – it’s usually one of the things we remember most.” Coming in at number one on Time Out’s list is the Italian city of Naples, the oft-rumored birthplace of pizza. Unsurprisingly, the cheesy delights of pizza margherita gets a shout out in Time Out’s list as the city’s “must-eat dish” – but sumptuous pasta dish Neapolitan ragù and sweet sfogliatella are also namechecked.
---from CNN
有些旅客會根據目的地的文化特色來選擇城市度假——列出最值得參觀的博物館和畫廊。其他人則關注夜生活熱鬧的城市,或選擇舉辦節慶或活動的目的地。 但對於許多度假者來說,旅行中最令人興奮的部分是食物。這些旅客在旅行的第一天醒來,就對等待著他們的所有美食感到興奮:從提供當地美食的大型市場,到深夜街頭小吃,再到提供您永遠不會忘記的獨特菜餚的獨立餐廳。 當這個全球媒體組織對世界最佳美食城市進行新排名時,Time Out想到的就是這些美食旅行者。 「旅行時,食物就是一切,」Time Out 的旅行編輯 Grace Beard 告訴 CNN Travel。 “一頓美味(或糟糕)的一餐可以決定一次旅行的成敗——它通常是我們最記得的事情之一。” 在 Time Out 的榜單上名列第一的是義大利城市那不勒斯,這裡是人們常說的披薩的發源地。不出所料,瑪格麗特披薩的起司美味在《Time Out》的榜單中被列為這座城市的“必吃菜餚”,而豐盛的那不勒斯肉醬和貝殼千層酥也榜上有名。
Porsche reveals a new hybrid 911 as more consumers embrace hybrids over electric vehicles
隨著越來越多的消費者青睞混合動力車而不是電動車,保時捷推出了新款混合動力車 911
Porsche unveiled the first hybrid version of its most famous sports car, the 911, on Tuesday, a move that could help electric motors become more accepted even in performance cars. The move also marks a major step in the evolution of one of the most recognizable cars in the world. Given their generally greater fuel efficiency without the sacrifice of power, hybrids have become commonplace in many types of vehicles. They have become increasingly popular in the United States even as sales of purely electric models have started to slow. Few cars are as defined by a gasoline engine as the 911, and few automakers are as defined by one model as Porsche is by the 911. While Porsche sells far more SUVs than sports cars these days, the 911 remains the automaker’s core model. Even the Porsche Macan and Cayenne SUVs, with their rounded edges and sloped hoods, have nods in their designs to the 911. In another major change for Porsche, this car will not be a plug-in hybrid, as other Porsche hybrid models have been. The Porsche Cayenne e-Hybrid and Panamera e-Hybrid are plug-in hybrids with batteries that can be charged from an EV charger as well as by the vehicles’ own engine. Those models can also drive some distance on only electric power after the battery has been fully charged. The 911 Carrera GTS will be a fully self-contained hybrid, charged only by power from the engine and from braking. It will not be able to drive significant distances on electric power alone. Besides hybrids, Porsche also sells fully electric cars, the Taycan and the new Macan Electric SUV. But executives have said the 911 would be the last Porsche to become all-electric, because its engineering is so unique and quintessential to its brand. By taking away the engine in the back, which gave the car the distinctive shape and rear-weighted driving feel, what makes it a 911? This new hybrid model, which still has its gas engine mounted in the back, will be the closest Porsche can get to an electric 911 without raising those sorts of questions.
---from CNN
保時捷於週二推出了其最著名的跑車 911 的首款混合動力版本,此舉可能有助於電動馬達在高性能汽車中獲得更廣泛的接受。 此舉也標誌著世界上最知名的汽車之一的發展邁出了重要一步。由於混合動力汽車通常具有更高的燃油效率而不犧牲動力,因此在許多類型的車輛中已變得司空見慣。儘管純電動車款的銷量已開始放緩,但它們在美國卻越來越受歡迎。 很少有汽車能像911 一樣以汽油引擎來定義,也很少有汽車製造商能像保時捷以911 那樣以一款車型來定義。目前保時捷賣出的車已SUV為主,該汽車製造商的核心車型。甚至保時捷 Macan 和 Cayenne SUV 的圓邊和傾斜引擎蓋的設計也向 911 致敬。 保時捷的另一個重大變化是,這款車不會像其他保時捷混合動力車型那樣是插電式混合動力車。保時捷Cayenne e-Hybrid 和 Panamera e-Hybrid 是插電式混合動力車,其電池可透過電動車充電器或車輛本身的引擎充電。電池充滿電後,這些車型還可以僅依靠電力行駛一段距離。 911 Carrera GTS 將是一款完全獨立的混合動力車,僅透過引擎和煞車提供動力進行充電。僅靠電力無法行駛很長的距離。 除了混合動力車外,保時捷還銷售全電動汽車、Taycan 和新款 Macan 電動 SUV。但高層表示,911 將是最後一款純電動保時捷,因為它的工程設計非常獨特,也是品牌的精髓。透過取消後置發動機,賦予汽車獨特的造型和後置重心的駕駛感覺,是什麼讓它成為 911?這款新型混合動力車型的燃氣引擎仍安裝在車輛後部,將是保時捷最接近電動 911 的車型,同時不會引發此類問題。
‘Smart’ antibiotic can kill deadly bacteria while sparing the microbiome
They are the stuff of medical nightmares. Pathogens classified as Gram-negative bacteria are often hardy, virulent and quick to evolve resistance to antibiotics. Only a few drugs can knock them out, and these also destroy beneficial gut bacteria. Now scientists have developed an antibiotic that kills pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria — even those resistant to many other drugs — without impairing the gut microbiome. So far, it has been studied only in mice, but if the compound works in humans, “it could help us dramatically”, says Sebastian Hiller, a structural biologist at the University of Basel in Switzerland who was not involved in the research. However, there is a caveat, he says: the compound’s usefulness “depends on whether bacteria will develop resistance to it in the long run”. Hiller also sounds a cautious note. The time from an antibiotic’s discovery to its approval for clinical use can be more than two decades, “and there is not much money to be made with a novel antibiotic”, he says. “Around ten to twenty new Gram-negative antibiotics have been discovered in the last ten years”, he adds, but none has gained approval from the US Food and Drug Administration.
---from Nature
它們是醫學上的惡夢。革蘭氏陰性菌的病原體通常生命力頑強、劇毒且能快速產生抗生素抗藥性。只有少數藥物可以消滅它們,而且這些藥物也會破壞有益的腸道細菌。 現在,科學家已經開發出一種抗生素,可以殺死致病性革蘭氏陰性細菌——甚至是那些對許多其他藥物產生抗藥性的細菌——而不損害腸道微生物組。到目前為止,它只在老鼠身上進行了研究,但如果這種化合物對人類有效,“它可以極大地幫助我們”,瑞士巴塞爾大學的結構生物學家Sebastian Hiller 說,他沒有參與這項研究。然而,他說,有一個警告:該化合物的有用性「取決於從長遠來看細菌是否會對它產生抗藥性」。 Hiller也顯得謹慎。他說,從發現一種抗生素到批准臨床使用,可能需要二十多年的時間,「而且新型抗生素賺不了多少錢」。他補充道,“過去十年中發現了大約十到二十種新的革蘭氏陰性抗生素”,但沒有一種獲得美國食品和藥物管理局的批准。
Disputed dark-matter claim to be tested by new lab in South Korea
It’s a mystery that has had physicists scratching their heads for more than 20 years. The DAMA/LIBRA experiment at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) near L’Aquila, Italy, has been recording an annual fluctuation of light flashes in its detector that appears to be a sign of dark matter. But no one has been able to definitively replicate the findings. But beneath a mountain in Jeongseon, South Korea, researchers are scaling up an experiment that could finally lay the controversial dark-matter claim to rest. In June, researchers will finish installing a revamped detector in a brand-new facility called Yemilab. If all goes to plan, the upgraded COSINE-100 experiment will be running by August, says Hyun Su Lee, a physicist at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in Daejeon, South Korea. Dark matter is thought to account for 85% of mass in the Universe, but because it barely interacts with ordinary matter and doesn’t interact at all with light, it is notoriously difficult to observe directly. Several research teams have tried to catch a glimpse of the elusive substance, but only the DAMA/LIBRA experiment has claimed to have seen it for real. The prospect of confirming the observation of dark matter has captured physicists’ attention. “There is a big effort in the dark-matter community to reproduce this result,” says Nicola Rossi, an experimental particle physicist at LNGS.
--from Nature
這是一個讓物理學家摸不著頭腦20多年的謎團。義大利拉奎拉附近的格蘭薩索國家實驗室 (LNGS) 的 DAMA/LIBRA 實驗一直在其探測器中記錄每年閃爍的波動,這似乎是暗物質的跡象。但沒有人能夠明確地複製這項發現。 但在韓國旌善的一座山下,研究人員正在擴大一項實驗的規模,該實驗可能最終平息有爭議的暗物質主張。六月,研究人員將在名為 Yemilab 的全新設施中完成改造後的探測器的安裝。位於韓國大田基礎科學研究所 (IBS) 的物理學家 Hyun Su Lee 表示,如果一切按計畫進行,升級後的 COSINE-100 實驗將於 8 月開始運作。 暗物質被認為佔宇宙質量的 85%,但由於它幾乎不與普通物質相互作用,而且根本不與光相互作用,因此直接觀測是出了名的困難。多個研究小組試圖一睹這種難以捉摸的物質,但只有 DAMA/LIBRA 實驗聲稱真正看到了它。 證實暗物質觀測的前景引起了物理學家的注意。 LNGS 實驗粒子物理學家 Nicola Rossi 表示:“暗物質界付出了巨大努力來重現這一結果。”