Global Cancer Cases Will Jump 77% by 2050, WHO Report Estimates
世界衛生組織報告預估,到 2050 年全球癌症病例將激增77%
The data, released Friday by WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer, covers 185 countries and 36 forms of the disease. The researchers found that lung cancer was the most common form around the world in 2022 – responsible for 2.5 million cases, 12.4% of the total – followed by female breast, colorectal, prostate and stomach cancers. Lung cancer was also responsible for the most cancer deaths: 1.8 million, or almost 19% of the total. The agency also cites inequities in the cancer burden across developed nations. For example, in countries with a very high Human Development Index – a measure of achievements in health, education and standard of living – 1 in 12 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and 1 in 71 will die of it. In low-HDI countries, only 1 in 27 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, but 1 in 48 will die of it, largely due to late diagnosis and a lack of access to treatments.
--from CNN
世界衛生組織國際癌症研究機構週五發布的數據涵蓋了185個國家和36種疾病。研究人員發現,在2022年,肺癌是全球最常見的癌症,有250萬例,佔總數的12.4%,其次是女性乳癌、大腸癌、攝護腺癌和胃腸癌。肺癌也是造成最多死亡的癌症:達180 萬人,幾乎佔總數的19%。 該機構也指出已開發國家在癌症負擔方面的不平等。例如,在人類發展指數(衡量健康、教育和生活水準方面成就的指標)非常高的國家,每12名女性中就有1 名被診斷出患有乳癌,每71名女性中就有1 名死於乳癌。在低人類發展指數國家,每27名女性中只有1名女性會被診斷出罹患乳癌,但每48名女性中就有1人會死於乳癌,這主要是由於診斷較晚和缺乏治療機會。
-- 摘錄翻譯自 CNN
Can a DNA Analysis Help Improve Your Fitness?
DNA 分析可以幫助改善您的健康狀況嗎?
Increasingly, people are interested in pursuing how their genes may be affecting their health, nutrition, fitness potential and risk of injury. The global market for these direct-to-consumer genetic tests is projected to soar in the next several years, skyrocketing from $1.9 billion in 2023 to $8.8 billion by 2030, according to a market analysis report by Grand View Research. North Americans are leading the way, with 60.5% of the market share, although Europe is projected to become the fastest-growing market over the next six years, the analysis shows. In 2013, some 20 companies were offering direct-to-consumer genetic tests aimed at sports performance and injury risk — a number that rose to about 70 by 2019, according to one study review. In addition, a 2020 study published in the Indian Journal of Orthopaedics reported Uzbekistan and China are using genetic testing in their Olympic-talent identification programs, while Australia’s National Rugby League players are using DNA tests to tailor their workouts for sprinting or explosive power lifting.
--from CNN
人們越來越有興趣探討基因如何影響他們的健康、營養、體能潛力和受傷風險。 根據Grand View Research 的一份市場分析報告,這些消費者基因檢測的全球市場預計將在未來幾年飆升,從2023年的19億美元爆增到 2030年的88億美元。分析指出,儘管預計歐洲將成為未來6年成長最快的市場,但北美地區以 60.5%的市佔率,仍處於領先地位。 在2013年,約有20家公司提供針對運動表現和受傷風險的消費者基因檢測——根據一項研究顯示,到2019 年,此數字已增加到約 70 家。此外,《印度骨科雜誌》2020年發表的一項研究報告指出,烏茲別克斯坦和中國正在其奧運人才鑑定計劃中使用基因檢測,而澳大利亞國家橄欖球聯賽的球員正在使用DNA 檢測試來調整他們的短跑或爆發力舉重訓練。
Prince Harry Returns to UK to Be at King Charles’ Side, in Rare Moment of Unity Amid Family Rift
Harry, who arrived in London Tuesday from California, has been involved in a long-running, public falling out with his family in the years since he and wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, stepped back from royal duties, though the duke did make a brief visit to the UK for Charles’ coronation last year. The Duke of Sussex was photographed being driven into the gates of Clarence House, the King’s London residence, at around 2.45 p.m. (9.45 a.m. ET). Harry was seen in the photograph seated in the back of a black SUV. Harry flew from Los Angeles to London overnight landing at about 12.30 p.m., British media reported. Harry’s return has sparked speculation of reconciliation with his family, after years of estrangement. However, a royal source said there were no plans for Harry to meet his brother Prince William while he’s in London. It was revealed on Monday evening that Charles, 75, was recently diagnosed while being treated separately for an enlarged prostate. A royal source told CNN that the form of cancer detected was not prostate cancer, but did not specify further.
-- from CNN
哈利週二從加州抵達倫敦,自從他和妻子Sussex公爵夫人梅根退出王室以來,多年來他一直與家人公開爭吵,儘管公爵確實做出了一些努力。去年,他曾短暫造訪英國參加查爾斯加冕典禮。 下午2點45分左右,Sussex公爵被拍到驅車駛入國王位於倫敦的住所克拉倫斯宮大門。 (東部時間上午9點45分)。照片中哈利坐在一輛黑色休旅車後座。根據英國媒體報導,哈利連夜從洛杉磯飛往倫敦,並於中午12點30分左右抵達。 哈利王子的返國引發了人們對他與家人在多年疏遠後和解的猜測。然而,一位王室消息人士表示,哈利在倫敦期間沒有計劃會見他的哥哥威廉王子。 週一晚上有消息指出,75歲的查爾斯最近被診斷出患有前列腺肥大並正在接受治療。一位王室消息人士告訴美國有線電視新聞網,檢測到的癌症不是前列腺癌,但沒有進一步說明。
Lionel Messi Expresses Regret Over not Being Able to Play in Hong Kong
Lionel Messi對未能在香港出賽表示遺憾
Argentine soccer star Lionel Messi expressed regret Tuesday over not being able to play in a friendly match in Hong Kong. Messi, who plays for Major League Soccer team Inter Miami, did not step onto the pitch to play against a Hong Kong XI on Sunday, causing outrage among fans. He has since said that he was kept off the field due to an injury but wanted to play. “I couldn’t be in the Hong Kong game and it’s a shame because I always want to participate, I want to be there, especially when it’s about these types of games that we travel so far and that people are so excited to see our games,” Messi told reporters. When asked if he would be playing in the match against Vissel Kobe, the forward said, “If I’m honest, I still don’t know if I can or not, but I feel much better and I really want to be able to do it.”
--from CNN
阿根廷足球明星Lionel Messi週二對未能在香港舉行的友誼賽出賽表示遺憾。 效力於美國職業足球大聯盟邁阿密國際足球隊的Messi週日沒有上場與Hong Kong XI比賽,引起了球迷的憤怒。賽後他表示,他因傷缺席比賽,但他想出賽。 「我不能在香港出賽,這很遺憾,因為我一直想參加,我想在那裡,尤其是當我們參加這些類型的賽事時,人們很高興看到我們的出賽」,Messi告訴記者。 當被問到他是否會參加對Vissel Kobe的比賽時,這位前鋒說:「說實話,我仍然不知道我是否可以出賽,但我感覺好多了,我真的很希望能夠參賽吧。」
No ‘Easy’ Weight Loss: Don’t Overlook the Social Cost of Anti-obesity Drugs
The arrival of a new class of drugs that curb appetite — including semaglutide, sold as Ozempic and WeGovy by the Danish company Novo Nordisk — has triggered a surge in their use to accelerate weight loss. In 2023, around 1.7% of people in the United States were prescribed a semaglutide medication, and demand is growing fast around the world. Weight loss, however, is not just a medical phenomenon — it’s a social one, too. As anthropologists, we’re well aware that drastic weight loss can reshape people’s social lives and emotional well-being in negative as well as positive ways. Similar resources should be provided for those who are prescribed weight-loss drugs. These resources don’t need to be in-person — quality educational programmes can be provided online. But they do need accredited professionals and trained moderators, to prevent the risk that participants without medical background will share health ‘tips’ and information that are not medically sound. Taking such steps to ensure that people understand the physical and emotional pros and cons of weight-loss drugs is crucial, to prevent a cascade of unexpected negative social and emotional effects among the millions of people who will take anti-obesity drugs in the coming years.
--from Nature
一種抑制食慾的新藥(包括丹麥Novo Nordisk公司以 Ozempic 和 WeGovy 名稱出售的semaglutide)的出現,引發了加速減肥的熱潮。2023年,約1.7%的美國人服用藥品semaglutide,且全球的需求正在快速成長。 然而,減肥不僅是一種醫學現象──它也是一種社會現象。作為人類學家,我們清楚地意識到,劇烈的減肥會以消極和積極的方式重塑人們的社交生活和情緒健康。 應該為那些服用減肥藥的人提供類似的資源。這些資源不需要面對面提供——高品質的教育課程可以在線上提供。 但他們確實需要經過認證的專業人員和訓練有素的主持人,以防止沒有醫學背景的參與者分享健康「秘訣」和不符合醫學觀點的資訊。 採取此類措施來確保人們了解減肥藥對身體和情感上的利弊是至關重要的,以防止在未來幾年將服用抗肥胖藥的數百萬人身上出現一連串意想不到的負面的社會和情感影響。
Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chip: What Scientists Think of First Human Trial
Elon Musk的 Neuralink 大腦晶片:科學家對首次人體試驗的看法
Neuralink, the company through which entrepreneur Elon Musk hopes to revolutionize brain–computer interfaces (BCIs), has implanted a ‘brain-reading’ device into a person for the first time, according to a tweet posted by Musk on 29 January. BCIs record and decode brain activity, with the aim of allowing a person with severe paralysis to control a computer, robotic arm, wheelchair or other device through thought alone. Apart from Neuralink's device, others are under development and some have already been tested in people. Neurotechnology researchers are cautiously excited about Neuralink’s human trial. “What I hope to see is that they can demonstrate that it is safe. And that it is effective at measuring brain signals — short term, but, most importantly, long term,” says Mariska Vansteensel, a neuroscientist at University Medical Centre Utrecht in the Netherlands and president of the international BCI Society.
--from Nature
根據Musk於 1 月 29 日發布的一則貼文,企業家Elon Musk希望透過Neuralink公司徹底改變腦機介面(BCIs),該公司首次將「讀腦」設備植入人體。 腦機介面記錄並解碼大腦活動,目的是讓嚴重癱瘓的人只透過思想就可以控制電腦、機械手臂、輪椅或其他設備。除了Neuralink的設備外,其他設備正在開發中,有些已經在人體上進行了測試。 神經技術研究人員對Neuralink的人體試驗感到謹慎興奮。「我希望看到的是他們能夠證明它是安全的。它可以有效地測量大腦訊號——短期的,但最重要的是長期的,」荷蘭Vansteensel大學醫學中心的神經科學家,也是國際腦機介面協會主席 Mariska Vansteensel 說。