How a ‘Blue Zone Diet’ Can Help You Live a Longer, Healthier Life
HealthNetflix recently released a four-part docuseries called “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones.” In it, Dan Buettner — author of a number of books on the topic of blue zones — visits with centenarians from across the globe to learn about their lifestyle habits: exercise routines, social support, sense of purpose, and, of course, their diets. A blue zone refers to a geographical area where the average human lifespan is disproportionately greater than the surrounding areas, or even most of the rest of the world. Jordan Hill, lead registered dietitian with Top Nutrition Coaching, said“Common dietary patterns amongst the blue zones include an emphasis on plant-based foods (fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains) and healthy fats (olive oil, nuts, seeds). Most blue zones are not strictly vegetarian, though meat consumption is markedly different from a typical American diet. While folks in these regions do still consume meat, it tends to be less frequently and in smaller portions.”
-- from healthline
Netflix最近發布了四部曲的紀錄片影集,名為《長命百歲:藍色寶地的秘密》。影片中,著作多本有關「藍區」主題的作者Dan Buettner拜訪了世界各地的百歲人瑞,了解他們的生活習慣:規律運動、社會鼓勵、目標感,當然還有他們的飲食習慣。「藍區」是指某一地理區域中人民平均壽命異樣地比周圍地區、甚至世界大多數地區的人長。Top Nutrition Coaching的首席營養師Jordan Hill說「藍區常見飲食模式包括重視植物性食物(水果、蔬菜、豆類、全穀物)與健康脂肪(橄欖油、堅果、種籽);大多數藍區居民並非嚴謹的素食者,儘管這些地區的人仍食用肉類,但食用頻率往往較低且份量較少。」
Snacking on almonds may not hinder weight loss, study finds
HealthA new study from the University of South Australia suggests that a weight-loss diet can be just as effective when you replace carbohydrates with almonds. Participants in the study, which was funded by the Almond Board of California, lost the same percentage of their body weight, 9.3%, on either an almond-snack or carbohydrate-snack weight-loss diet. The consumption of almonds has also been found to be negatively associated with adipose fat, or body fat, which is strongly linked to a higher CVD risk. However, almonds may also provide some heart-protective cardiometabolic benefits that carbohydrate-rich snacks do not. While nuts are high in fats, they also contain protein, are high in fiber, and are rich in vitamins and minerals. They place high on the list of the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s recommended foods.
--from Medical News Today
--摘錄翻譯自Medical News Today
This Country Has More of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants than Any Other
CultureSpain has a deep, rich culinary heritage and a decades-long history with the “world’s best” designation. The famed restaurant El Bulli, which closed in 2011, earned the No. 1 spot a record five times, starting in 2002 when the list debuted. Several of the chefs at the Spanish restaurants honored with this year’s awards – where Spain took the Nos. 2, 3 and 4 rankings, plus three more in the top 50 – trained at El Bulli under Ferran Adrià, a pioneer of molecular gastronomy. Chef José Andrés, who has played a large role in introducing Spanish cuisine to American diners, trained at El Bulli for three years before a misunderstanding with Adrià prompted him to make his way to New York in 1991 and then eventually settle in Washington, DC, where he established his own group of restaurants, including the two Michelin-star minibar. Andrés returned to Spain recently with his three American-born daughters – Carlota, Inés and Lucía – for the six-part discovery+ series “José Andrés and Family in Spain,” which is airing on CNN on Sundays, starting September 24.
--From CNN Travel
西班牙擁有深厚、豐富的烹飪傳統和數十年的歷史,被譽為「世界最佳」。 著名餐廳 El Bulli 於 2011 年關閉,自 2002 年該榜單首次推出以來,曾五度榮登第一名,創紀錄。 西班牙餐廳的幾位廚師獲得了今年的獎項—西班牙排名第2、第3 和第4,另外還有3 位躋身前50 名—在El Bulli 接受分子美食先驅費蘭·阿德里亞(Ferran Adrià) 的訓練。 主廚何塞·安德列斯(José Andrés)在向美國食客介紹西班牙美食方面發揮了重要作用,他在El Bulli接受了三年的培訓,然後與阿德里亞的誤會促使他於1991年前往紐約,然後最終定居在華盛頓特區,在那裡他建立了自己的餐廳集團,包括兩個米其林星級迷你吧。 安德列斯最近帶著他的三個美國出生的女兒---卡洛塔、伊內斯和露西亞--回到西班牙,參加由六部分組成的發現+系列節目“何塞·安德列斯和西班牙的家庭”,該系列將於 9月24日在 播出。
--From CNN Travel
Can Germany afford a 4-day workweek?
Culture4-day workweek a productivity booster? A key question in the current debate about a 4-day workweek is whether or not it can improve productivity amid a shortage of skilled labor. Proponents argue that shorter hours may increase the motivation of workers and subsequently make them more productive. Additionally, they say this could bring people into the workforce who are not willing to work five days a week, resulting in the availability of more skilled workers. Since 2019, the nonprofit organization 4 Day Week Global (4DWG) has organized pilot programs in countries like the UK, South Africa, Australia, Ireland, and the United States. More than 500 companies have participated in these programs, according to the New Zealand-based NGO. Results seem to confirm hopes for a positive outcome. Reactions among German workers to plans for a 4-day workweek remain mixed, however, according to a survey conducted by Germany's trade union-affiliated Hans-Böckler Foundation. About 73% of the workers surveyed said they want a 4-day workweek, but only if their pay stays the same. Some 8% would accept reduced remuneration, while 17% rejected the shorter working time outright.
--from Deutsche Welle
每週工作 4 天是生產力的助推器? 在當前關於每週工作4天的辯論中,一個關鍵問題是,在熟練工作力短缺的情況下,它是否可以提高生產率。支援者認為,縮短工作時間可能會提高工人的積極性,從而提高他們的工作效率。此外,他們表示,這可能會使那些不願意每週工作5天的人進入勞動力市場,從而獲得更多技術工人。 自 2019 年以來,非營利組織 4 Day Week Global(4DWG) 在英國、南非、澳大利亞、愛爾蘭和美國等國家組織了試點專案。據這家總部位於紐西蘭的非政府組織稱,已有500多家公司參與了這些計劃。結果似乎證實了取得積極成果的希望。 然而,根據德國工會附屬的漢斯-伯克勒基金會(Hans-Böckler Foundation)進行的一項調查,德國工人對每週工作4天計劃的反應仍然喜憂參半。 大約73%的受訪工人表示,他們希望每週工作4天,但前提是他們的工資保持不變。大約8%的人會接受減少報酬,而17%的人完全拒絕縮短工作時間。
--摘錄翻譯自Deutsche Welle
These brainless jellyfish use their eyes and bundles of nerves to learn
SciencesIn a new experiment, these animals learned to spot and avoid obstacles despite having no central brain, researchers report September 22 in Current Biology. This is the first evidence that jellyfish can make mental connections between events — such as seeing something and running into it — and change their behavior accordingly. “Maybe learning does not need a very complex nervous system, but rather, learning is an integral part of nerve cells, or very limited circuitry,” says Jan Bielecki, a neuroethologist at Kiel University in Germany. If so, the new finding could help trace how learning evolved in animals.
-- from Science News
在9月22日的《當代生物學》期刊中,研究人員報告說:在一項新實驗中,這些動物儘管沒有中樞大腦,卻學會了發現並避開障礙物。這是第一個證據證明水母可以在事件之間建立神經關聯—例如看到某物,然後觸碰它—而依據該關聯改變行為。德國Kiel University的神經行為學家Jan Bielecki表示:「也許學習並不需要非常複雜的神經系統或只需少許的迴路,卻是神經細胞的重要功能。」 若是如此,這項新發現可能有助於追蹤動物的學習能力是如何演化的。
--摘錄翻譯自Science News
As European doctors retire, could AI help to solve a health workforce shortage?
SciencesIn many European countries, populations are ageing, and this will have consequences on the workforce. A WHO report last year found that 40 per cent of medical doctors are close to retirement age in around one-third of countries across Europe and Central Asia, calling the situation a "ticking time bomb". As a growing number of research studies analyse the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in detecting diseases or interpreting patient data, these technologies could soon become more widely available in doctors’ offices. But how could that change the workload for doctors and nurses? It’s a question that many experts in the field have been considering as European countries face health worker shortages. The area where it could flourish more quickly, experts say, is on the administrative side of healthcare. Some AI platforms could help to automate tasks such as booking appointments, scheduling in hospitals, communicating diagnoses, and coordinating patient follow-up.
--from Euronews