The Abortion Pill: Mifepristone Remains Available After Latest Court Ruling
The U.S. Supreme Court has issued a temporary ruling that will allow the common abortion pill to remain legal without restrictions. The decision is a response to the Department of Justice (DOJ) request for the court to block a ruling issued by Texas-based Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk last week that ordered the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to suspend its approval of the drug. The U.S. Supreme Court decision comes a day after the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that mifepristone can stay on the market with new restrictions.
--from Healthline
美國最高法院頒布了一項臨時裁定,將允許常見的墮胎藥在沒有限制的情況下持續合法使用。這項決定是對美國司法部(DOJ)請求法院阻止上週德克薩斯州法官Matthew Kacsmaryk所發佈的一項裁定所做出的回應,該裁定要求美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)暫停批准該藥物。美國最高法院的裁定是在第五巡迴上訴法院裁定米非司酮可以在新的限制條件下繼續販售。
YouTube to Ban More Eating Disorder Content
YouTube 將禁止更多飲食失調內容
YouTube announced today it will screen more eating disorder content to reduce the potential for dangerous copycat behavior. The video-based social media platform will also implement age-based viewing restrictions for some eating disorder content. In a statement, the director of YouTube Health, Garth Graham, MD, MPH, said the reason for the changes was “to create space for community, recovery and resources, while protecting viewers.” The changes were developed with input from the National Eating Disorder Association and other related groups.
--from WebMD
YouTube今天宣佈將更嚴格審查有關於飲食失調的內容,藉此減少潛在的危險模仿行為。這個以影片為基礎的社群媒體平台亦將對一些飲食失調的內容實施年齡觀看限制。在一份聲明中,YouTube健康主管Garth Graham, MD, MPH表示,這些改變的原因是「為社區、康復和資源創造空間,同時保護觀眾」這些改變是在國家飲食失調協會與其他相關團體的參與下制定的。
Where people drink beer for breakfast
It was Saturday morning at Gaststätte Großmarkthalle, and it felt like Friday night. The wood-panelled rooms were full of people, dirndl-clad waitresses carried trays of drinks and the volume was slowly rising. Located in the south of Munich, this pub pulls in a crowd for a classic Bavarian breakfast: a Weißwurstfrühstück (literally: "white-sausage breakfast"). The meal consists of its namesake white sausages, as well as soft pretzels and sweet mustard – all washed down with a wheat beer.
--from BBC Travel
星期六早上的 Gaststätte Großmarkthalle,感覺就像是星期五晚上。鑲著木板的房間裡擠滿了人,穿著緊身連衣裙的女服務員端著裝滿飲料的托盤,而音量正慢慢增高。這家酒吧位於德國慕尼黑的南部,許多人皆慕名前來品嚐經典的巴伐利亞早餐:Weißwurstfrühstück(字面意思:“白香腸早餐”)。 這個早餐組合包括同名的白香腸、軟椒鹽捲餅和甜芥末——所有這些都配上小麥啤酒。
--摘錄翻譯自BBC Travel
Künefe: The beloved dessert rebuilding Turkey
Künefe: 深受喜愛的甜點正凝聚土耳其人民的向心力,攜手重建家園
Before two earthquakes hit the Turkish province of Hatay, there were more than 30 shops making künefe. The few that remain are determined to keep this beloved tradition alive. While a similar dish, knafeh, is found throughout the Middle East, künefe is distinctly Turkish, believed to have originated in Hatay and made specifically with the province's namesake cheese, which is similar to fresh mozzarella. Traditionally eaten during Ramadan, the dessert can now be found in shops any time of year; in Hatay, more than 30 künefe shops lined the streets, a testament to its popularity.
--from BBC World’s Table
土耳其的哈塔伊省在遭遇兩次地震前,有 30 多家店在賣 künefe。地震過後剩下的少數店家決心要讓這個深受喜愛的傳統甜點傳承下去。雖然有個類似的點心knafeh在中東地區隨處可見,但 künefe是土耳其特有的甜點。人們相信künefe源於哈塔伊省,並使用與該省的同名的乳酪,而這種乳酪類似於新鮮的莫札瑞拉起司。按照傳統,這個甜點是在齋戒月期間食用,但現在一年四季都可以在商店買到; 在哈塔伊省,有30 多家 künefe 商店林立在街道上,證明了該甜點受歡迎的程度。
--摘錄翻譯自BBC World’s Table
Private Companies are Flocking to the Moon — What does That Mean for Science?
The Moon is about to get some visitors — and it won’t be the usual suspects. As early as 25 April, the Tokyo-based firm ispace will attempt to become the first private company to land successfully on the lunar surface. If the spacecraft touches down safely, it will deliver rovers from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and from the United Arab Emirates to the Moon. That would mark the start of a new era in lunar exploration. A series of commercial missions to Earth’s closest neighbour are set to launch this year as part of a wave of projects by various companies and countries. “A lot of people are looking at this optimistically, as the beginning of the furthering of expansion into space,” says Stephen Indyk, director of space systems at Honeybee Robotics in Maryland, who chairs a commercial advisory board for a NASA lunar-science advisory committee.
--from Nature news
月球即將迎來一些訪客—且非尋常所猜想的。最早為4月25日,總部位於東京的ispace企業將嘗試成為第一家成功登陸月球表面的私人公司。如果太空艇安全著陸,它將把日本宇宙航空研究開發機構和阿拉伯聯合大公國的探測器送到月球。這將象徵著月球探索新紀元的開始。作為各公司與國家的一波計畫的一部分,造訪地球最近鄰居的系列商業任務將於今年啟動。位於馬里蘭州的Honeybee Robotics太空系統主任、同時擔任NASA月球科學諮詢委員會的商業顧問理事會主席Stephen Indyk說:「許多人都樂觀地看待這件事,將其視為進一步向太空擴張的開始。」
--摘錄翻譯自Nature news
The Great Salt Lake is Shrinking. What Can We Do to Stop It?
Last fall, the Great Salt Lake hit its lowest level since record keeping began. The lake’s elevation sank to nearly six meters below the long-term average, shriveling the Western Hemisphere’s largest saline lake to half its historic surface area. The low lake level and increasing salinity threaten to disrupt economic mainstays like agriculture, tourism, mineral extraction and brine shrimp harvesting. Exposed sediments can also reduce air quality and so threaten public health. According to a report released by researchers at Brigham Young University in January, the Great Salt Lake will likely also disappear within five years if residents continue their current rate of “unsustainable” water consumption. Encouraging people to use less water is the simplest — and cheapest — way to begin refilling the Great Salt Lake. This includes using rain barrels, permeable pavement or xeriscaping in urban or suburban areas, as well as improving the efficiency of irrigation structures on farms and ranches.
--from ScienceNews