Munich Oktoberfest Kicks Off after 2-year break -- article with video
Revelers in Munich were running in traditional Bavarian clothing early Saturday morning to secure a spot at the first Oktoberfest in two years. Germany's famed beer festival had been paused for two years due to the coronavirus pandemic. It is the world's biggest folk festival. Throughout its 200-year history, Oktoberfest was canceled 26 times, mostly during the First and Second World Wars, as well as twice due to cholera outbreaks. Munich Mayor Didier Reiter opened this year's ceremony with three knocks of a hammer and inserting the tap in the first keg, with the traditional cry of "O'zapft is." Reiter then offered the first tankard to Markus Söder, the head of the regional government. Visitors from across Germany and around the world can enjoy the heavy beer mugs, fat-dripping sausages and pretzels the size of dinner plates at the Munich Oktoberfest until October 3.
--from Deutsch Welle, article with video
9月17日(六)清晨,德國慕尼黑的狂歡者們穿上巴伐利亞傳統服飾迎接睽違兩年的啤酒節慶典。因新冠疫情影響,德國啤酒節已停辦兩年。這是全球最盛大的民間慶典,在其200年的歷史中,曾經停辦過26次,主要是因為第一次及第二次世界大戰,還有2次是因為霍亂爆發。慕尼黑市長Didier Reiter以「敲擊啤酒桶三下、插上啤酒龍頭並大喊"O'zapft is."」的儀式為今年的慶典揭開序幕。市長(Reiter)隨即將今年第一杯啤酒獻給巴伐利亞邦總理Markus Söder。10月3日前,來自世界各地及全德國的遊客皆可在啤酒節盡情享用道地的啤酒杯、肥而不膩的德式香腸及餐盤大小的椒鹽捲餅。
--摘錄翻譯自Deutsch Welle,原文含影片
Video Shows the First Fox Known to Fish for Food-- article with video
In March 2016, researchers in Spain watched as a male red fox (Vulpes vulpes) stalked and caught 10 carp over a couple of hours. The event, described in a study published August 18 in Ecology, seems to be the first recorded instance of a fox fishing, the researchers say. The discovery makes red foxes just the second type of canid — the group that includes wolves and dogs — known to hunt fish. “Seeing the fox hunting carp one after another was incredible,” says ecologist Jorge Tobajas of the University of Córdoba. “We have been studying this species for years, but we never expected something like this. The most surprising thing was to see how the fox hunted many carp without making any mistakes. This made us realize that it was surely not the first time he had done it.”
--from Science News, article with video
2016年3月,西班牙的研究人員觀察到一隻雄性紅狐在數小時內跟踪並捕獲了10條鯉魚。發表在8月18日《生態學》雜誌上的一項研究敘述了此事件,這似乎是首度記錄到狐狸捕魚的實例。此一發現使紅狐成為已知的第二類犬科動物(包括狼和狗)捕食魚類。科爾多瓦大學的生態學家豪爾赫·托巴哈斯 (Jorge Tobajas) 說:「看到狐狸捕獵一條又一條鯉魚真是不可思議。我們已研究這個物種多年,但我們從未預料到這樣的狀況。最令人驚訝的是看到狐狸如何捕獵這麼多鯉魚而未失手,讓我們意識到這肯定不是牠第一次捕魚。」
--摘錄翻譯自Science News,原文含影片
'Rebound' Weight Gain: A Disconnect Between Brain and Gut May Be a Factor
Nearly half Trusted Source of adults in the United States try to lose weight each year, but many will not keep that weight off long-term. In fact, only about one in five people who are overweight can maintain weight loss for a year or longer. A new study indicates that a disconnect between the brain and the gut may be a reason that people tend to gain weight after initially losing weight. Researchers say in many people who have lost weight their gut will tell them they’re full after eating a meal, but their brain will try to tell them they’re still hungry. Experts say the disconnect may be due to the body’s attempt to store fat during weight loss.
--from Healthline
Queen Elizabeth's Most Iconic Fashion Moments, from Her Coronation to the 'Green Screen' Dress
CultureQueen Elizabeth II knew better than most the symbolism of fashion. One of the most photographed people in the world during her lifetime, the late Queen lived her life in the public eye. The abdication of the Queen's uncle and her father's death at 56 left the monarchy in crisis, and from the beginning of her reign, the Queen used clothes to communicate a consistent message: "That she's steadfast, she's dependable, that there's a continuity of the monarchy," says Dr Emily Brayshaw, Honorary Research Fellow at UTS. Over the years, the Queen proved adept at deploying her clothes in the interests of soft diplomacy.
--from ABC News
英國女王伊莉莎白二世比多數人都深知時尚的象徵意義。已故女王是全球的媒體寵兒,其一生都活在鎂光燈下。女王叔叔的退位與其父親56歲時逝世使英國君主制陷入危機,悉尼科技大學名譽研究員Emily Brayshaw博士表示:「女王登基初期,就以穿搭傳達一個信念:她是堅定的、可靠的、也是君主立憲制傳承的象徵。」多年來,事實證明,女王的穿衣哲學確實成為英國外交的軟實力。
--摘錄翻譯自ABC News
Scientists Finally Have an Answer of How Many Ants Live on Earth
Ants are important ecosystem engineers, moving dirt, distributing seeds, and recycling organic matter. There has been some research to see how ants are distributed around the world, but there was no global estimate of how many there are. Counting ants is a bit like counting grains of sand on a beach. But six researchers have proved they were up for the task. They’ve come up with the latest—and most comprehensive—estimate of the number of ants in the world: 20 quadrillion. That’s 12 megatons of biomass—more than all the wild birds and mammals taken together. The new estimate is two to 20 times higher than previous ones, the team reports today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
--from Science new
--摘錄翻譯自Science news
How to Help Your Teen Get Moving
Adolescents should be getting at least 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity every day, according to the World Health Organization. Yet a 2019 study published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health journal showed less than 20% of school-going adolescents around the globe are getting this much activity, with girls less active than boys. Just 38% of kids ages 6 to 12 were playing an organized sport in 2018, down from 45% in 2008, according to the Aspen Institute. The Covid-19 pandemic may have further accelerated the downward trend, the Aspen Institute wrote in its State of Play 2021 report. How do you get your teen to bust a sweat? While it can often be a challenge, there are many ways to introduce more physical activity into children's lives.
--from CNN news
根據世界衛生組織建議,青少年每天應該進行至少60分鐘的中等或劇烈的體育活動。然而,2019 年發表在《柳葉刀兒童與青少年健康》雜誌上的一項研究顯示,全球只有不到20%的在學青少年進行如此多的活動,而女孩的活動量低於男孩。Aspen研究所的數據顯示,2018年只有38%的6至12歲兒童參與規劃過的運動,低於2008年的45%。Aspen研究所在其2021年發展狀況報告中寫道,COVID-19疫情可謂進一步加速了下降趨勢。如何讓你的孩子揮灑汗水?即使這常會成為難題,仍有很多可將更多體育活動引入孩子生活的方法。
--摘錄翻譯自CNN news