Heart Disease after COVID: What the Data Say


Heart Disease after COVID: What the Data Say

In one study1 this year, researchers used records from the US Department of Veterans Affairs to estimate how often COVID-19 leads to cardiovascular problems. They found that people who had had the disease faced substantially increased risks for 20 cardiovascular conditions — including potentially catastrophic problems such as heart attacks and strokes — in the year after infection with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Researchers say that these complications can happen even in people who seem to have completely recovered from a mild infection. With millions or perhaps even billions of people having been infected with SARS-CoV-2, clinicians are wondering whether the pandemic will be followed by a cardiovascular aftershock. Meanwhile, researchers are trying to understand who is most at risk of these heart-related problems, how long the risk persists and what causes these symptoms.

--from Nature news

在今年的一項研究中,研究人員使用美國退伍軍人事務部的紀錄來評估COVID-19導致心血管問題的機率。他們發現感染冠狀病毒SARS-CoV-2後一年內,染疫者面臨如罹患心臟病和中風等20種心血管疾病及潛在災難性問題的風險顯著增加。研究人員說,這些併發症甚至會發生在似乎已從輕度感染中完全康復的人身上。由於數百萬、甚至數十億人感染了 SARS-CoV-2,臨床醫生想知道心血管疾病是否會隨疫情引爆。同時,研究人員正試圖了解誰最容易有這些心臟相關問題、風險會持續多久,以及導致這些症狀的原因。

--摘錄翻譯自Nature news

New Flight-free Food Adventures: Three Slow and Sensual Trips Across Spain and Italy


New Flight-free Food Adventures: Three Slow and Sensual Trips Across Spain and Italy

Holidaymakers looking to visit Italy and Spain now have another way to feel good about the whole experience, with sustainable train and trip packages from Byway and Intrepid Travel. Launched in 2020, Byway is the world’s first platform for flight-free holidays, while Intrepid has 30 years’ experience in curating eco-conscious and meaningful tours. Those who book a European small group adventure with Intrepid will be directed to the Byway website to arrange their flight-free slow travel journey to and from the tour - by train, sleeper train and boat. By train, you’ll have the chance to explore Paris, Zurich, Switzerland’s oldest city of Chur, and the charming small town of Tirano along the way. The UNESCO World Heritage-listed Rhaetian Railing with its spectacular panoramic views is a real highlight.

--from Euronews



Two Black Holes Merged Despite Being Born Far Apart in Space


Two Black Holes Merged Despite Being Born Far Apart in Space

Signals buried deep in data from gravitational wave observatories imply a collision of two black holes that were clearly born in different places. Almost all the spacetime ripples that experiments like the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, or LIGO, see come from collisions among black holes and neutron stars that are probably close family members. They were once pairs of stars born at the same time and in the same place, eventually collapsing to form orbiting black holes or neutron stars in old age. Now, a newly noted marriage of black holes, found in existing data from U.S.–based LIGO and its sister observatory Virgo in Italy, seems to be of an unrelated pair. Evidence for this stems from how they were spinning as they merged into one, researchers report in a paper in press at Physical Review D.

--from ScienceNews

潛藏在引力波觀測站數據中的信號暗指著兩個顯然形成自不同兩處的黑洞的碰撞。 幾乎所有如雷射干擾儀重力波天文台(或稱LIGO)的實驗中觀測到的時空漣漪,都來自可能是相近族系的黑洞和中子星間的碰撞。它們曾是在同一時間、同一地點誕生的一對恆星,最終在衰退時期瓦解形成繞軌道運行的黑洞或中子星。現在自美國的LIGO及其位於義大利的姊妹天文台Virgo現有數據中,最近注意到一起黑洞結合,似乎是並無關聯的一對。研究人員在《Physical Review D》發表的一篇論文中說,此證據來自它們在合併時是如何旋轉的。


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