Drinking Alone as a Teen May Foreshadow Future Alcohol Problems


Drinking Alone as a Teen May Foreshadow Future Alcohol Problems

Kasey Creswell, associate professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, worked with researchers at the University of Michigan to analyze data from the “Monitoring the Future” study--an epidemiological study of drug and alcohol use among American youth followed into adulthood. About 4,500 18-year-olds completed surveys regarding their patterns of alcohol use and if they drank while alone. The researchers found the odds of developing alcohol use disorder (AUD) symptoms by age 35 were 35% higher for adolescents who drank alone and 60% higher for young adults who drank alone, compared to social-only drinkers. However, adolescent females who drank alone appeared to have a higher risk for developing alcohol problems in adulthood.

--from Healthline

卡內基梅隆大學心理學副教授Kasey Creswell與密西根大學的研究人員合作,分析了一項關於美國年輕人成年後使用藥物和酒精的流行病學研究「監測未來」的數據。大約4,500名18歲的青少年完成了關於他們飲酒模式、以及他們是否獨自飲酒的調查。研究人員發現:與僅社交飲酒者相比,於青春期單獨飲酒者,在35歲時出現酒精使用疾患(AUD)症狀的機率高出35%;而單獨飲酒的年輕成人則高出60%。但是,於青春期單獨飲酒的女性,似乎在成年後發生酒精問題的風險更高。


The sustainable cities made from mud


The sustainable cities made from mud

In Yemen's ancient walled city of Sana'a’s mud skyscrapers soar high into the sky. The towering structures are built entirely out of rammed earth and decorated with striking geometric patterns. The earthen buildings blend into the nearby ochre-coloured mountains. Sana'a's mud architecture is so unique that the city has been recognised as a Unesco World Heritage site. Even though the buildings in Sana'a are thousands of years old, they remain terribly contemporary. The ancient structures are still inhabited today and most remain private residences. Mud buildings are remarkably good at keeping us cool in summer and warm in winter, and withstanding extreme weather. In the search for more sustainable buildings, architects are returning to this overlooked, age-old construction material.

--from BBC news


--摘錄翻譯自BBC news

Dengue and Zika Virus can make you smell tastier to mosquitoes-- article with video


Dengue and Zika Virus can make you smell tastier to mosquitoes-- article with video

Viruses that cause tropical diseases like dengue and Zika can hijack their host’s scent to better attract mosquitoes, according to new research. This finding is significant because mosquitoes are the main vectors responsible for the spread of dengue and Zika viruses. When mosquitoes bite infected humans, they then carry the virus and subsequently spread it to healthy humans and other animals. The study shows that when humans and mice are infected with dengue or Zika viruses, they secrete a chemical that makes them smell delicious to mosquitoes. By identifying the chemical responsible for the spread of the disease, researchers are now investigating ways to reduce its release to limit mosquito bites once someone is infected.

--from Deutsche Welle, article with video


--摘錄翻譯自Deutsche Welle,原文含影片

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