5,000-year-old Giant: How Long does the World’s Oldest Tree Have Left?
An ancient alerce tree known as the "great grandfather" in southern Chile could be more than 5,000 years old, according to a new study. Scientists were not able to determine an exact age based on the tree rings because of its unusually large trunk. But they can conclude that this is the world’s oldest tree. Jonathan Barichivich, the scientist who led the study, said that both the sample they extracted and other dating methods suggest the tree is up to 5,484 years old. While it has survived numerous eras of human civilisation, Barichivich is concerned about the tree's prominence in the Alerce Costero National Park. He explains that thousands of people come to visit it each year, stepping on the tree’s roots and even taking pieces of the bark home.
--from Euronews
World’s Largest Organism Found in Australia
It sounds like the stuff of science fiction: Two closely related species hybridize and create a superorganism whose growth and expansion seems unstoppable. That’s what’s happened in Western Australia’s Shark Bay, researchers say, where a seagrass meadow stemming from a single hybrid plant has extended its reach across more than 180 kilometers—an area the size of Washington, D.C. The team suspects the clone arose 4500 years ago and has been spreading ever since. That would make it among the oldest organisms on Earth, although not quite as old as the oldest tree.
--from Science news
--摘錄翻譯自Science news
The Kystriksveien: Earth's Most Beautiful Road Trip?
Norway's coastal road from the town of Stiklestad to the Arctic city of Bodø is a 670km journey between two very different worlds. It's also one of the most beautiful road trips on the planet. At one end is the quiet sophistication of central Norway. At the other is the spare, serene beauty of the north. Connecting the two, the Kystriksveien – a route also known as the Coastal Way or Fv17 – charts a sinuous path along the coast, bucking and weaving along rugged contours all the way to the Arctic. The Scandinavian nation is blessed with one of the most beautiful yet difficult stretches of coast in Europe. Along such a coast, it seems impossible that a road should exist here at all. In short, it seems like a miracle.
--from BBC News
--摘錄翻譯自BBC News
Bring the Paint Festival Returns to Leicester
A street art festival is returning to Leicester, with organisers claiming it will be the largest line-up so far. The city's Bring the Paint festival will run until Sunday, transforming the streets with more than 45 large-scale pieces of public art. The festival would feature artists from the US, Mexico, Germany, Italy and France, as well as the UK. Organisers said there will also be a variety of exhibitions, workshops, music, street art tours, live broadcasts and other activities. Artistic director of the festival, Izzy Hoskins, said: "We are incredibly excited to stage Bring The Paint for the third time in Leicester. Our world-class line-up speaks for itself. The festival is set to be one of the biggest street art events in the UK this year."
--from BBC News
一場街頭藝術慶典重返萊斯特,主辦方宣告這將是迄今最龐大的陣容。該市的「帶上油漆節」將持續到週日,以超過45件的大型公共藝術作品改造街道。此慶典有來自美國、墨西哥、德國、義大利、法國及英國的藝術家參與。主辦單位表示還會有各種展覽、工作坊、音樂、街頭藝術、現場直播及其他活動。藝術總監Izzy Hoskins說:「我們非常興奮能在萊斯特舉辦第三次的『帶上油漆節』。我們世界級的陣容有目共睹。此慶典將會是今年英國最盛大的街頭藝術活動之一。」
--摘錄翻譯自BBC News
Scientists Have Unlocked the Vitamin D Potential of Tomatoes
Fish and dairy products are the best dietary sources of vitamin D, which can make it a struggle for those on a plant-based diet to get enough of the essential micronutrient. Vitamin D helps protect our bones and keep muscles and teeth healthy. Now, a team of researchers have come up with a potential new and vegan source of vitamin D: tomatoes gene edited using CRISPR-Cas9 technology to contain a precursor to vitamin D. The researchers blocked a gene in tomato plants that normally converts provitamin D3 into cholesterol, which enabled provitamin D3 to accumulate in the ripe tomato fruit.
--from CNN News
--摘錄翻譯自CNN news
Save Your Breath: Traditional Kyrgyz Dance Helps Ease Chronic Lung Disease
Every day on the respiratory ward at one of Kyrgyzstan’s biggest hospitals, Aidai Temiraly Kyzy, a 24-year-old nurse, puts on the music and leads her patients in the Kara Jorgo, the national dance of the central Asian country. This involves a range of body movements and leaves everyone smiling. The session is part of a treatment program offered to people with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD develops from midlife onwards; symptoms include breathlessness, a chronic cough, often with phlegm, and tiredness. It is one of the top three causes of death worldwide, and 90% of deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries.
--from The Guardian
在吉爾吉斯最大的醫院之一的呼吸病房裡,24歲的護士Aidai Temiraly Kyzy播放音樂,並帶領她的病人進入Kara Jorgo世界—這是一種中亞國家的民族舞蹈。這關係到一系列的身體動作,並且為每個人帶來微笑。這是提供給患有嚴重慢性阻塞性肺病 (COPD) 患者的治療計畫的一部分。慢性阻塞性肺病好發於中年以後;症狀包括呼吸困難、慢性咳嗽、常帶有痰和疲倦。它是全球三大死因之一,90%的死亡發生在中低收入國家。
--摘錄翻譯自The Guardian